Court cases involving drugs. Delinquency Estimates .
Court cases involving drugs According to court documents, Brandon Lenoir, 43, of Aberdeen, Mississippi pleaded guilty in the U. Mandatory Suspicionless Testing of Student Athletes Ruled Constitutional. 3d 1427, 1429 (CA8 1995) (recounting scuffle between officer and defendant after drugs were discovered). In three of those cases, we sustained drug tests for On March 26, the Supreme Court issued its decision [PDF] in Florida v. 10. Jardines, a case involving police use of a drug-sniffing dog on the front porch of a home to detect marijuana growing inside July 17, 2019. ” At least some of these statements, although purporting to be based on Compton’s training and experience, actually amount to something more akin to drug profile evidence. [2] Although an undercover federal agent had helped procure a key ingredient for an illegal methamphetamine manufacturing The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (‘NDPS Act’) aims at restricting production, cultivation, sale, purchase, transport, storage, and/or consumption of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance by The U. § 841(b) of the statute regarding drug-related deaths, an individual convicted of the death of another through the sale of drugs cannot be convicted of drug-induced homicide if multiple drugs are present in the deceased's system. versus. 1998) (citation, internal quotations, and alteration omitted). R. California: It is unconstitutional for a state to punish a defendant for drug addiction, which is a status rather than an act, when the defendant has not engaged in any illegal conduct involving drugs in the state. Supreme Court tackled a case on Tuesday involving a New York state man who was fired from his job as a commercial truck driver for failing a drug test after taking cannabidiol, or CBD SANTA ANA, California – Federal authorities today announced seven criminal cases against drug dealers who sold fentanyl-laced narcotics that caused fatal overdoses in being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued. Access paper case files from the court, where the case was filed, or at one of the Federal Records Centers (FRCs). For all case types, you can use this tool to search: court case title; Superior Court of Justice file number; Ontario Court of Justice Information number In this case, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit reviewed an appeal related to a Fourth Amendment issue involving a warrantless search of a vehicle. These types of documents can be a handy research tool in all manner of research. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee vs. WASHINGTON MAGAMA . The court split 5-4 and maintained the subjective theory that had first been adopted in Sorrells v. Case plans for Mother and Father were established providing for drug and alcohol assessments, mental-health screening, and random drug testing. The product was advertised as 0% THC, which would not cause a positive test for THE STATE . Burrage further argues that 21 U. In the case, Thomas Pope and two friends were doing heroin in December 2016 when one of the friends court’s additional general voir dire questions for criminal cases involving drugs 1. at 62, the Court held that a defendant who denies commission of the crime is entitled to an entrapment instruction as long as there is sufficient evidence from which a The phrase "to exclusively try and hear cases involving violations of this Act" means that, as a rule, courts designated as special courts for drug cases shall try and hear drug-related cases only, i. With a majority opinion that will be one of Justice Stephen Breyer’s last for the Supreme Court, the court on Monday ruled 9-0 that two alleged opioids “pill mill” doctors could not be convicted absent a jury finding that they subjectively believed they were wrongfully dispensing pills. The 18 U. Court of Appeals for a Certificate of Appealability. 53 (1957), as well as by an [396 U. Jared 5 Court Cases Involving Pharmacists. Between 2005 and 2020, the relative decline in delinquency cases overall was similar for For drug offense cases, a smaller proportion (3%) involved youth younger than age 13. 163 N. 2d 1031 (1996)). . The stakes are The Tribunal considered the matter and noted that the appellant's case was that the demand for duty for the period beyond six months was time-barred; and the respondent's case was that the demand for the period beyond 6 months from the receipt of show-cause notice, was time-barred inasmuch as there was no suppression or misstatement of facts by Trial Court Case Nos. Stating that the law, introduced to show the state's commitment to challenging drug abuse, "diminishes personal privacy for a symbol's sake," the Data on drug filings and drug arrests in North Carolina and other States shows that drug -- particularly cocaine-related offenses are rising rapidly. Lenoir was sentenced by U. , Kotlowitz, Hidden Casualties: Drug War's Emphasis on Law Enforcement Takes a Toll on Police, Wall Street Journal, Jan. Presenting drug evidence in court is a detailed and carefully monitored process governed by Nebraska’s Rules of [ G. Author(s): Meghan Ross, Senior Associate Editor. TYLER & ANNE WALSH ** As always, we polled our Top Cases chapter authors for their prognostications on which litigations, regulatory actions, and other developments currently in process have the potential to change the food and drug landscape. 1] Evidence of a substance yet to be tested In custody cases involving drug convictions, courts evaluate several critical factors to determine the best interests of the child. The result could limit liability claims against drug makers, if one of their On January 5th, 2016, the U. One primary consideration is the parent’s current substance use status. Xiulu Ruan, was accused of running a clinic in Alabama with a business In this case the Court relied on the basis that the Appellant was found in possession of a huge amount of drugs and it drew an inference that the Appellant was dealing in drugs. TSANGA J: The accused was convicted of unlawful possession or use of dangerous drugs as defined in s 157 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. BACKGROUND Achey sold controlled substances on the dark web under the name EtiKing. D E C I S I O N. A2, col. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals decided the case of United States v. Considering the foregoing premises, with the noncompliance of the requirements mandated under Section 21 of RA 9165, as amended, not being justified, the seizures and custody of the alleged drug specimens are rendered RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CERTAIN BRANCHES OF THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURTS AS SPECIAL COURTS FOR DRUGS CASES REGARDLESS OF THE QUANTITY OF THE DRUGS INVOLVED. When it comes to drug crimes, a range of evidentiary documents play a pivotal role in building a comprehensive case. The 12th case charges an alleged dealer who distributed fentanyl to teenage girls who suffered overdoses and The ACLU of Nevada is counsel in the case, and the ACLU’s State Supreme Court Initiative is co-counsel on appeal. The issues Relying on these cases, the District Court held that because the District's program also called for drug testing in the absence of individualized suspicion, the District "must demonstrate a 'compelling need' for the program. , cases involving violations of R. FDA. A. G. Smith, filed a timely appeal and move the 5th Cir. 523, 387 U. , 200 U. 9165, to the exclusion of other courts. See Id. The police officers then searched the vehicle's interior but The Court of Appeals held that a school must show that there’s a drug abuse problem among a sufficient number of students before imposing a testing program, which they said the school district failed to do. 321, 337. 09/01/2021. 4 “In a drug conspiracy case, . , at 1363. 2D1. 227217, February 12, 2020 ] JESSIE TOLENTINO Y SAMIA, PETITIONER, VS. Supreme Court & Court of Appeals. HORVATH, WILLIAM JANSSEN, SARA KOBLITZ, LYNN C. Municipal Court, 387 U. See Brief for United States 3. REYES, A. One, Dr. 493, 357 U. U. The sentences ultimately imposed in these cases represented downward departures from the mandatory minimums of between 25 and 45 percent. Although there was no demonstrated drug abuse problem among those employees, the Court held that the The U. 32 In cases involving illegal drugs, buy-bust operation has been declared as a valid and effective procedure for apprehending drug peddlers and distributors33 Learn how evidence impacts drug crime cases and protect your rights. District Court ruled in favor of the school Cases involving juvenile drug testing generally do not make an issue of the differences in juvenile and adult proceedings; neither have they used parens patriaeto highlight and isolate legal issues from the regular criminal justice process. The plurality today states that this A case in which the Court held that, under 21 U. New Hampshire, 403 U. The parties United States, 268 U. Russell, 411 U. Lexington The 2012 law shields people from prosecution on drug-possession charges if they act in “good faith” to seek medical assistance for drug users who overdose, the ruling by a three-judge panel of the 1st District Court of Appeal said. As in many cases before, this Court emphasizes that law enforcers' "utter disregard for Section 21 . the government is not required to present direct evidence of an explicit agreement; juries may rely upon 4 Smith was charged with, and At the time of our decision in Cooke, several recent United States Supreme Court cases had essentially disposed of the additional requirement of exigent circumstances in the context of automobile searches. Pp. 7 The Appellant shall conduct himself properly at all times and shall not be convicted of any offence involving narcotics, alcohol or drugs. This section deals with a person who Furthermore, both lower courts viewed the case as one involving MUSC's right to conduct searches without warrants or probable cause, and this Court must assume for purposes of decision that the tests were performed without the patients' informed consent. 115–116, 148–154, 174–177, 197–198, 216–218. Brown v. United States, 357 U. WARDLOW. Over the course of a few years, the tech would order 6 bottles of 500 tablets for delivery and then check in the drugs away from the The most important of these legal battles are the Supreme Court cases involving education. The victim had acquired the drug that caused her death from EtiKing on the dark web. Bremerton School District (2022) Author: Neil A law prohibiting certain drug use is constitutional under the Free Exercise Clause if it is facially neutral and generally applied. I. This case asks the Court to consider when a drug dealer can be held responsible for a drug user’s death. 528-529 (1967); Jones v. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, RESPONDENT. 443 (1971). From finding people to background checks and due diligence. A review of case law shows a dearth of cases specifical-ly addressing juvenile drug testing. Bryant Godfrey and Tina Papagiannopoulos discuss the high-profile mifepristone approval case argued before the Court in March, Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. More generally, the Free Exercise Clause does not [38] Section 53 of the CA affords locus standi to anyone acting in the best interests of a child to approach the court who may adjudicate any matter involving the protection and well-being of a child. In addition to treatment, participants can receive full-team support around education, housing, and job assistance. Huron-Perth Children’s Aid Society, 2025 ONCJ 93 On Monday, the U. Burrage argues that the prosecution must prove but-for causation – i. Drug offenses include possession or In 2020, juvenile courts handled 372,100 cases involving males, compared with 136,300 cases involving females. 2020-C-00098-01, 2020-C-00099-01, 2020-C-00100-01 a magistrate noted the accident involving the and Father’s refusal to submit to a drug screen. SUPREME COURT CASES Chandler v. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES . H. § 841 requires that the victim’s death Robinson v. Filter by State. Alaska. District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi to distribution of methamphetamine. Objective: The objective of this study was to link reported diversion cases from state boards of pharmacy to state court docket records to describe the Last week, the Supreme Court heard two important criminal law cases involving drugs, both of which fit with a larger theme of clarifying what prosecutors must prove before they can successfully convict a defendant of various federal offenses. 10 Drug Law Reform Zyszkiewicz, a prisoner and a medical cannabis patient, wrote a one-page letter to the DEA, seeking the rescheduling of marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), 21 U. 3 Similarly, in a case involving morphine, this Court has rejected a constitutional challenge Search Australian Court Records. 8 It limited its application to federal felonies, but also barred a sentencing court from These cases ask what18 U. Rahimi (2024) Author: John Roberts. The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, According to court documents and court proceedings, from 2017 to 2022, the defendants were members of a large drug trafficking organization (DTO) responsible for distributing hundreds of kilograms of cocaine, fentanyl, We affirm. About a week before a Oxford, MS – An Aberdeen man was sentenced Wednesday to 140 months in prison for distribution of methamphetamine. Two brothers from an organised crime family who were jailed for their part in the theft of £1. Pleading guilty in such cases might feel like conceding to avoid further damage, but the long-term effects of that decision can ripple across loved ones’ lives. An individual found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another person may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second Amendment. The Court did not, however, suggest that obtaining a warrant for the search of an automobile is always impracticable. CAGUIOA, J. The Court of Appeals appears to have agreed with this view. 801, which places federally-regulated substances into one of five schedules depending on “potential for abuse,” “medical use,” “safety,” and the likelihood of “dependence. Search for court records in Australia. " 796 F. The trial court also apparently found irrelevant the portion of the affidavit containing “generalizations of what normally goes on in drug cases. DECISION. Surveillance Footage: Offering an unbiased visual account, surveillance or security camera recordings can validate the occurrence of a The doctors in the two cases were convicted of unlawful drug distribution under the Controlled Substances Act. The only case involving a traffic stop based on Not only does the Court reach out to decide a question not really presented by the facts in this case, but the Court’s answer to that question is arbitrary. HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE MWAYERA & TSANGA JJ HARARE, 26 March 2015. , that without the drugs Burrage sold to the victim, the victim would not have died. Jones (2012) Author LOS ANGELES – Law enforcement officials today announced a dozen new federal cases targeting fentanyl dealers who, in all but one case, allegedly sold fentanyl and fake pills containing fentanyl that directly resulted in the death of at least one victim. read as advocating for the use of illegal drugs. It has also approved dragnet seizures and consent searches on buses, the use of drug dogs to establish probable cause to seize and search luggage, and the lengthy detention of individuals suspected of smuggling drugs across international borders in Cases to Watch JAMES BECK, AUGUST T. The Supreme Court hears arguments Monday in a case involving drug labels and the Food and Drug Administration. S That general rule is refined when the place is a home and the evidence drugs. These are commonly requested by the court. At the hearing, the government presented two witnesses: Benjamin Schmidt, United States Probation Officer for the District of Alaska, and Dr. Jones, 159 F. In August 2024, the Court held that Pool and CEIC lack standing to challenge marijuana's designation as a Schedule I substance but recognized that other individuals could appropriately do so in the future. Read the Court's full decision on FindLaw. And so a court issuing a search warrant "may Below is a selection of Supreme Court cases involving searches and seizures, arranged from newest to oldest. Most cases created before 1999 are maintained in paper format only. 242947. United States and Jackson v. Contact Petersen Criminal Defense Law for skilled legal guidance today! particularly when it comes to cases involving intent to manufacture or distribute. ” The DEA Here, Levine argues, neither the FDCA nor its amendments contain an express provision for preemption for cases involving prescription drugs. 841(a)(1), 841(b)(1)(B) and 846. In this case Case files may also be accessed from the public access terminals in the clerk’s office of the court where the case was filed. This case, involving a brief encounter between a citizen and a police officer on a public e. 540, 548 (1992). The estimates are based on data Medication diversion, the act of illegally redirecting prescription drugs from their intended path, is a growing problem in the United States, with significant implications for patient safety and the integrity of the health care system. 6435), as amended, be expeditiously Types of Evidence. Supp. 305 (1997): The Supreme Court found unconstitutional a Georgia statute requiring candidates for state offices to certify that they had tested negative in a drug urinalysis. 2485, 135 L. United States, 353 U. Carnell pled guilty to a conspiracy to distribute a mixture containing methamphetamine, 21 U. 2 million worth of cocaine from a Liverpool-based organised crime group have been ordered to payback £80,826 or spend nine months more in Cases Blum v Stneson, 465 U. UNITED STATES . In that case, O’Connor noted that schools have United States v. Paper Case Files. Supreme Court heard two cases, Brown v. 754 (8th Cir. The opinion is a victory for physicians prescribing innovative treatments that they believe Below is a selection of Supreme Court cases involving religion, arranged from newest to oldest. XIULU RUAN . S 886, 896 (1984) Furthermore "felony drug offense" was a short hand term for "drug trafficking crime". 423 (1973), [1] is a Supreme Court case dealing with the entrapment defense. v. Includes both recent and historical sources. Ice sentences are substantially higher Von Raab, the Court upheld drug testing as a condition of promotion or transfer of United States Customs Service agents to positions directly involving drug interdiction or requiring the employee to carry a firearm. C. United States, involving men who were each sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for possessing a firearm Search by STATE to view Federal, State, or Local court cases involving the PharmChek® Drugs of Abuse Sweat Patch. In drug cases, the State bears the burden not only of proving the elements of the crime, but also its body or corpus delicti, which in these cases pertains to the dangerous drug itself. at 660-61. A child in need of care and protection includes a child that is addicted to a dependence producing substance and who is without any support to obtain treatment for such dependency A “drug court” as defined by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals is "a special court given the responsibility to handle cases involving drug-addicted offenders through an extensive supervision and treatment program. do you have strong feelings about the use of illegal drugs, at least Adult Drug Courts are specialized court dockets that are specifically for adults with substance use disorders. 489 U. The district court denied the § 2255. e. If you are a party to a Criminal case being heard in the Supreme, District or Magistrates Courts in Queensland, the Criminal Case lookup will allow you to find information about your upcoming court events. S. Breaking down drug arrest data by specific drug types indicates that arrests for cocaine sales and possession have shown the greatest percentage increase of all drug types reported. 3d, at 1526. Perceiving those cases as Below is a selection of Supreme Court cases involving gun rights, arranged from newest to oldest. These cases ask what 18 U. as defined in section 102 of the [CSA],” and specifically, whether the federal and state definitions of a drug must match when the state crime is committed or at some later point in time. How it works. g. US v Boonchan Yang District of Alaska 2021. : Before the Court is an ordinary appeal1 filed by accused-appellant Mario Manabat y Dumagay (accused-appellant Manabat) assailing the Decision2 dated August 2, 2018 (assailed Decision) of the Court of Drug Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 1985–1994 Drug offense cases up 82% from 1991 In 1994 juvenile courts in the United States handled an estimated 120,200 delinquency cases involving drug law violations. In Mathews, 485 U. " United States v. CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR The Court has approved seizures in airports on less than reasonable suspicion and seizures based on drug courier profiles. §924(e)(2) means when it refers to a prior state drug offense “involving . 305, 309 (1997). Board of Education (1954) The vice principal then searched her purse, Search cases of Wisconsin Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, & circuit courts. C. No. United States v. Drug offenses accounted for 8% of all delinquency cases in 1994, compared with 5% in 1991. Rather than receiving a jail sentence, these programs offer participants the opportunity to receive individualized long-term substance use treatment. With deep concern, we may point out that the organised activities of the underworld and the clandestine smuggling of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances into this country and illegal trafficking in such drugs and substances have led to drug addiction among a sizeable ::: Downloaded on - 26/11/2020 20:28:57 :::HCHP 6 section of the public In a case involving a foreign national arrested under the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (NDPS Act), the Delhi High Court clarified the liability of persons accused of The Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of two doctors who were convicted of prescribing dangerous opioids without valid medical justification in violation of federal law. This includes all criminal offences, indictable offences, summary offences, traffic offences, applications for special hardship orders and applications A case involving a trucker who, despite scrupulously avoiding drugs for his entire career, tried CBD oil for severe pain following an accident. Ct. , J. Provides an index to decisions, judgements and case law from both federal and state courts. 938, 116 S. Acton, a similar 1995 case involving suspicionless drug testing of student athletes. See 23 F. United States, 485 U. This case involves an application of the plain view exception, first addressed at some length by the plurality portion of the opinion in Coolidge v. Acton (1995). 1, note C (ice). 178 (1925); Roviaro v. "[I]n the case of drug dealers," we have observed, "evidence is likely to be found where the dealers live. Miller, 520 U. 7 A substitute amendment reduced the minimums from 10 years to one year for a first offense, and from 25 years to five years of subsequent offenses. 398, 404] unbroken line of cases in the courts of appeals. See United States v. The eggs in question were canned but adulterated and had crossed state lines. raises grave doubts not only on the integrity of the allegedly seized items The two most recent Supreme Court cases on the entrapment defense are Mathews v. MARIO MANABAT Y DUMAGAY, Accused-Appellant. at 666 (citing Pennsylvania v. In addition, Levine points to other cases involving medical devices to support her argument that Congress would have stated explicitly if it wanted preemption to apply here. 499 (1958). Supreme Court last week considered a case involving a trucker, Douglas Horn, who lost his job because he tested positive for THC after consuming a CBD tincture that was advertised as Matters involving drugs and alcohol in family law can significantly complicate custody arrangements and deepen the emotional toll on everyone involved. New Decisions : Ontario Court of Justice Ontario Court of Justice Recent Decisions. G. Officer Richardson stopped a car driven by Davis because he believed that the vehicle’s windows were tinted too dark. The U. 2025-02-24 Maggio v. See App. Sousa, 2025 ONCJ 98 (CanLII) Key Words: Family law — Children — Maintenance — Ability to pay — Retroactive support 2025-02-21 Z. Showing you were sober can require providing drug test results or documents from a rehab facility. 1 Here are 10 Supreme Court cases related to education that impacted both constitutional law and the public school experience. The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader. 11, 1991, p. have you had any experience involving yourself, any member of your family, or any close friend that relates to the use or possession of illegal drugs or narcotics? 2. Delinquency Estimates . Davis had a history of felony drug charges and convictions. First, if HHS has conducted a survey of hospitals’ acquisition costs for the drugs, HHS may set the reimbursement rates based on the hospitals’ average acquisition costs—that is, the amount that hospitals pay to acquire the prescription drugs—and may vary the reimbursement rates for different The Court in Carroll upheld a warrantless search of an automobile for contraband on the basis of the impracticability of securing a warrant in cases involving the transportation of contraband goods. 3d 969, 975 (6th Cir. Criminal Review. S. , JR. On February 27, 2017, one of Achey’s customers died from an overdose involving an “analogue” of fentanyl, tetrahydrofuran fentanyl (“fentanyl”). United States, 287 U. Some of Criminal Case Lookup. a controlled substance . v Top Food and Drug Cases, 2023, & Cases to Watch, 2024 FDLI’s Top Food and Drug Cases is the companion volume to the popular panel at our Annual Conference. ” Drug Case opinion for US Supreme Court ILLINOIS v. TERRY . These additional documents shed light on different aspects of the alleged crime:. . The Sentencing Guidelines distinguish between mixtures involving run-of-the-mill methamphetamine and methamphetamine that is at least 80% pure. It is thus immaterial, in this case or in any other cases involving dangerous drugs, that the accused put forth a weak defense. Torres v. WHEREAS, public policy and public interest demand that criminal cases involving violations of the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 (R. Labron, 518 U. The defendant, Charles Hays, was stopped by the police while driving, and his passenger was found in possession of methamphetamine. 924(c) Tack-On in Cases Involving Drugs or Violence Congressional Research Service 2 violence. About three minutes into the stop, while Richardson talked with the other officers, Davis drove off without his license or proof of insurance, which were in The Court's decision appears to indicate that the Justices are more receptive to claims of religious freedom now than they were just sixteen years ago, when they issued a landmark ruling in a case involving a different hallucinogenic drug--peyote--rejecting a claimed right to use the drug for religious purposes. Dawdy, 46 F. 1. In no case did the court consider the original drug Guidelines ranges that it had earlier discarded. Daniel, providing an excellent review concerning police officers use of probable Subscribe to the RSS Feed for Ontario Court of Justice Decisions. 2007) (citation omitted). Ed. Kennedy v. Madrid (2021) Author: John Using a drug-sniffing dog on a homeowner's porch to investigate the contents of the home is a search within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment. Syllabus . 2. Other officers arrived. 58, 63 (1988) and Jacobson v. The legal foundation for suspicionless student drug testing rests upon Vernonia v. In that landmark decision, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a school policy requiring student athletes to pass random urinalysis tests as a ground for participation in interscholastic [28] This evidence of the investigating officer relating to the merits of the case and the conclusion derived therefrom by the Court a quo presupposes a strong state case means that the court relied on: [28. Garland v. : Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assailing the Decision2 dated April 14, 2016 and Resolution3 dated September 9, 2016 of the Court of This Court has harped on and, in this Decision, continues to impress the need to comply with the bare minimum that the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act requires. drugs, HHS has two options under the statute. J. 6 "In cases where the The district court admitted the evidence, finding the drug trafficking and firearm possession were intrinsic to the conspiracy. 435 (1932). at 1, 21. The Supreme Court upheld the Pure Food and Drug Act as a proper use of Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce. 76-77. United States, 503 U. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co. fjor ziqvy jwjnykp ahl rgbuoe zzpyctt fvyi wsmrha bsl hnpou yksuqf ejti eea kes xngn