Home assistant telegram example. Could anyone explain why - the documentation about knx.
Home assistant telegram example. It’s really strange.
- Home assistant telegram example With Home Assistant; Get Phone / ID. 17. 97. Send an arbitrary payload via any available method to a user via Telegram. to_state Notice the entire string assigned to entity_id is delimited by (double) quotes. To use Apprise supported notifications, add the following to your configuration. It’s important to understand, anything you put under event_data: is not required to actually be in the event. It’s really strange. telegram) The solution: sms and tts voice phone call using ClickSend service. Your Home Assistant does not have to be exposed to the internet. To get started with Telegram on Home Assistant, follow the set up instruction step by step. Apprise allows you to notify just about all of the most popular notification services out there. You can also use the HTTP Request node to query data from any app or service with a REST API. Im getting a still from CCTV whenever a motion is detected around my house, but i dont need a notification on all my Home Assistant Telegram Notifications. 5 has issues with HA ( it’s not working ). send_photo and notify. [image] This also isn’t a general home automation forum, this is a forum for Home Assistant and things related to it. Many items in the default configuration files shown in those old videos are now included in the default_config: Home Assistant mobile app is nicest to use for these sorts of notifications IMO because then you can clear the notification from lock screen when the device is plugged in. It is compatible with private and group chats, Telegram markdown and Home As you can see, the configuration is fairly simple. payload. YOUR_API_KEY allowed_chat_ids: - 123456789 # example chat id. could you please advise what the syntax should be? Okay, I think I see what you are saying now. the screenshot name is a variable but it wont reach telegram here is the automation : alias: CHange file name door bell variables: snapsho Hello, I see a lot of repeated telegrams at the ETS bus monitor for group addresses which have only a sending device and the receiving device should be Home Assistant. telegram_bot - This is Step 3: Configure Telegram Home Assistant integration. Learn how to use Telegram to receive notifications from Home Assistant on your phone or computer. If you don’t need to Introduction. Telegram The telegram integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. Quick example: sequence: - service: notify. So you made a new user in Home Assistant telegram_messages, if I understand it well. You can directly create a simple "REST Notify Service" using the CallMeBot API. But I assume it’s not an issue on Hi, Struggling to send multiple line messages using notify. It lists the Hi all, I just wanted to post my setup using Telegram to send notifications about calendar events and general home information. Then, add the following to your configuration. This works for Home Assistant Companion notifications. yaml then you need to remove telegram_bot: from telegram. Not all topics may get an answer, never mind one that helps you solve your problem. Telegram is an instant messaging platform with a great channel feature. telegram” works as expected and it sends messages to a group. Opening the Garage Door: I open my garage door. automation. Home Assistant Automation using Discord, E-mail, Telegram & Viber. If there are other devices listening on the group address, it seems that the telegram get acknowledged but not if the sensor is only configured in KNX yaml configuration. Hi all I have a question regarding Telegram. Easily create and customize your dashboards with drag-and-drop. telegram send message and delete: Error executing script. Learn how to create a Telegram bot and integrate it with Home Assistant to receive notifications on multiple platforms. For example, when a faucet leaked or a sensor detected suspicious movement in the backyard. All tests were performed in “With Neutral” mode. Supported providers are OpenAI, Anthropic, Google Gemini, LocalAI, Ollama and any OpenAI compatible API. Your home assistant url, as well as your telegram chat id. The usage Garage Door Alert. Seems “\n” which works fine when sending notifications via email doesnt work with telegram. In fact, there were more then 65 supported services at the time of writing this blog. state }} to {{ trigger. For example - service: notify. By integrating it into your Home Could someone show me an example of the MQTT notification config? I understand from the component page that you have to call the service, however, It’s unclear to me precisely how (and all my tests failed so far). . The new version of Telegram has introduced a new kind of messages: “silent messages”. yaml so that it’s just - platform: broadcast api_key: 123456789:AABhas-AHzQrdxHJoPJ7XRkLnIbZOPI3q-4 allowed_chat_ids: - 12345678 The optional state_address can be used to inform Home Assistant about state changes not triggered by a telegram to the address e. sun', 'above_horizon') %}up{% else %}down{% endif %}!" } Hello fellow HA scholars! Despite my Googling and reading, I just can’t seem to figure this out (including this thread). Hi to you all! Just want to share a simple HowTo to setup a Telegram bot for all your messages from, and to your home automation services. ). When trying to send crossed out text or a spoiler, symbols are Use format {{ variable_name }} in order to print a variable, as usual in Home Assistant. I will provide a brief explanation for each configuration key. In my automations the “notify. I added the chat id’s of those 2 groups to the allowed chat ids: telegram_bot: - platform: broadcast api_key: !secret telegram_api allowed_chat_ids: - !secret telegram_chatid - !secret telegram_chatid2 Once I was able to confirm functionality with the developer tool I knew it had to be my yaml, so taking the script example you gave above I was able to work the following into my first example: telegram_bot: - platform: polling api_key: 12345678:jewfxkjwefjwhfxrfwhefxrerfe allowed_chat_ids: - 123456789 notify: - name: telegramme platform Basic example . Route messages based on a response from a user via Telegram. For example ive got a home Telegram channel where all the events are being posted. List all available variables made available by triggers. ) That’s probably confusing. kdeyko (Kirill Deiko) February 22, 2025, 11:39pm 1. It would be a great to have a working support for those in HA. Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup. Follow the steps to create a Telegram bot, a notifier, and a service to send messages, photos, and custom keyboards. Setting up Telegram and Home Assistant. [UPDATE 2019-08-17 by @Jpsy]: Cover invert_position property changed from true to false as old XKNX bug has been resolved by @farmio. Telegram bot. lights_{{trigger. We conducted a quick test using the Zigbee Integration in Home Assistant (2025. telegram data: message: "This is the first line of text. Next steps?¶ This tutorial gave a quick overview of making a Telegram bot, connecting it to Home Assistant and using AppDaemon to send messages. yaml file: # Example configuration. As I always suggest, and do myself to keep from making mistakes: simply use the multiline I am trying to set up some telegram actionable notifications. The problem: iPhone in mute does not allow sound to almost any application (e. This is my flow alias: Send Telegram Motion Screenshot (test) description: Source Dahua Camera trigger: - type: motion platform: device device_id: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa entity_id: This is a simple tutorial that explain how to configure Home Assistant for send a message to Telegram for use in our Automation. I am able to send notifications to my phone, but I have no idea how I can The following code sends me a notfication, but only today’s event: id: notify-me alias: Example Notfication trigger: Example : :red_circle: TRIGERRED A Hello, I would display emoticons in messages sent by my Telegram bot. For unofficial hardware connection examples refer to: Domoticx; For official information about the It specifies that the smartmeter must send out a ‘telegram’ every 10 seconds (every Yes! Now HomeAssistant can make a Telegram phone call (with Voice) thanks to the CallMeBot API. --> This PR resolves the complicated workarounds users have had to implement in order to decode b64 messages sent via MQTT and forward them on to HASS decoded, see this thread for various examples including whole nodered automations to solve this: https://community. More posts you may like Hello fellow Home Assistant fanatics! I am setting up Scrypted NVR, which has a homeassistant plugin supporting sending notifications to Home Assistant. I don’t get it working. 4 Can anyone please check it too? Home Assistant Community Telegram bot example with response_variable from docs doesn't work. Does it work now? BitViper (Aaron ) July 19, 2019, 2:42pm 55. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. For example your mqtt topic, and camera name needs to match your frigate configuration. Notifications from Home Assistant are sent to Telegram by the Notify. Hello, I need some help with my calendar automation. Make sure not to copy and paste the following values from the example. 3), testing both ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation) and Zigbee2MQTT. Enter the real values: api_key; allowed_chat_ids; name; chat_id If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually: Browse to your Home Assistant instance. mobile_app_seans_iphone data: message: "Battery is low, plug it in!" We use telegram for urgent messages, and home assistant If unsure, select Telegram and add the integration. The other implementation method is Telegram polling, for which your Home Assistant instance does not have to be exposed to the internet. Dashboards are customizable and provide a powerful way to manage your home from your mobile or desktop. Pick one for example Telegram and try it. No I renamed the notification from telegram to telegram_messages Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Example: Hi {{ telegram_sender_first_name }}! You said: {{ telegram_text }}. Example. etc. Learn how to set up a Telegram Bot for interacting with your Home Assistant installation, sending commands and receiving information. The problem Telegram bot does not support MarkdownV2 mode. to_state. yaml Hi, I try to set a helper variable to on or off with an automation, when a KNX datagram arrives: The Automation trigger is working fine, but the conditions never match. uses Telegram to deliver notifications from Home Assistant to your Telegram application(s). Al ser un sistema operativo de código libre, tenemos la posibilidad de instalar diferentes formas de notificarnos que ha ocurrido Sending text works fine, tried both telegram_bot. state}}, which would be what you’d get quoting the state template. A conversation with my Home Assistant bot using Telegram. Use Telegram on your mobile or desktop device to send and receive messages or commands to/from your Home Assistant. See examples of automations and alerts using Telegram notifications. You can even use Telegram’s speech to text; maybe a reply too can be sent as voice, but I didn’t want to make things too Yes, that would work. Edit : i made a small Example for Node Red in the Service Call Nodes in “target” you need to change the “xxxx” with your Chat id from your Telegram Bot, then it Before we can enable the option, we have to enable the Home Assistant Advanced Mode in your Home Assistant user’s profile (bottom left in the Home Assistant web UI). Now I will show you one quick and useful Automation for Home Assistant Notifications when a switch/light toggle. To create your first Telegram bot, follow these steps:. (ignore this - this should be empty and is just here for reddit) This is the second line of text" For example, I’d like to announce on a Google Home every change in state of Sun. send_photo” sends a message (picture) to the bot itself and notifies me on the telegram app. telegram_bot: !include telegram. yaml entry telegram_bot : - platform : polling api_key : <telegram api key> allowed_chat_ids : - 12345 - I’m using telegram_bot. I know it’s technically possible by Telegram, because I use a bot in another application who can send emoticons. yaml entry telegram_bot:-platform: broadcast api_key: <telegram api key> allowed_chat_ids:-12345 You can set up notifications for each Home Assistant automation. 1. Automation Trigger Variables. yaml entry telegram_bot:-platform: broadcast api_key: YOUR_API_KEY allowed_chat_ids:-123456789 # example id of a user--987654321 # example id of a group, starts with a - Home Assistant Core 2025. If you have watched any videos about setting up Home Assistant using configuration. This first post can be edited by everyone, so if you spot a mistake or see something is missing, take those 2 minutes to edit the guide. An example of this will be shown in the next section. When setting up the service Telegram bot: Send message, when selecting the markdown2 mode, normal Markdown is used. Set your telegram bot details in the Receiver and Sender nodes, pick your Home Assistant server instance in the Start Conversation node, and you can start chat with your HA Assist (conversation agent) using typical HA Assist sentences. yaml file. I’d like to define it as a notifier (static topic off course), and just be able to call that notifier from anywhere else with a text payload to be sent When adding the Discord integration, you will be asked for an API Key. In this example, at the end, we show how to monitor the presence of the 220Vac using a Xiaomi Mi Windows Your Home Assistant instance does not have to be exposed to the internet and there is no polling to receive messages or commands sent to the bot. Follow the step-by-step tutorial with pictures and code examples. yaml entry for the Telegram Bot telegram_bot: - platform: polling api_key: YOUR_API_KEY allowed_chat_ids: - CHAT_ID_1 # example: 123456789 for the chat_id of a user - CHAT_ID_2 # example: -987654321 for the chat_id of a group - CHAT_ID_3 # Example configuration. Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. event. Testing ZBM5 with Home Assistant via ZHA. yaml entry for the notifier notify: - platform: telegram . I didn’t realize a command could pass args. home-assistant. At this moment I still use Domoticz and migrating to HA. And I can write the automation or appdaemon script to send messages that include the buttons, but nothing Una de las primeras configuraciones que debemos hacer en Home Assistant son configurar las notificaciones. send_message action. For example: message: Hello, world! will appear exactly as is, This guide explores all the aspects of the KNX integration of Home Assistant. The PR isn’t merged yet, but you can test it by copying over the There are cases that you need to have an immediate notification for super important messages. BuienRadar for example gives excellent rain forecasts Hi, I have configured the telegram bot in Home Assistant. - Snapshot to Telegram · AlexxIT/go2rtc Wiki What integration for Telegram are you using? I am using the Homeassistant Telegram Bot and simply call it via NodeRed. This is one of two bot implementations supported by Telegram. Home Assistant. From the list, select Google Generative AI. Any question about Home Assistant, and about using things with Home Assistant, is welcome here. See more Learn how to create and set up a Telegram bot that can control your smart home devices with Home Assistant. yaml file with your favorite text editor or Home Assistant plug-in (like File editor) and copy/paste the lines below: List of the built-in integrations of Home Assistant. events Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . I have set up the “commands”, these work fine. Here are some examples: Motion sensor triggered; Leaking pipe in the kitchen; Call to the video doorbell; Completion of cooking by the oven: Home Assistant text message to Telegram, Viber and Slack, Home Assistant push notifications, and Home Assistant notifications to the Now there is an easier way to send Telegram Text Messages from Home Assistant without all this heavy process of creating the Bot, getting the ChatID, etc. 1. notify. , if you configure a timer on a channel. kdeyko (Kirill Deiko) February 22, 2025, 11:39pm . # This automation triggers when the doorbell button is i can send a successful image to home assistant companion app but i am probably missing something to send out to telegram. # Example configuration. To integrate this into Home Assistant, add the following section to your configuration. Example : 🔴 TRIGERRED ALARM 🔴 Is it possible to do this in HA ? Thank you ! Home Assistant Community 🧐 About this blueprint This blueprint listens to a Telegram Command and executes a sequence of actions if listened. Setup Steps Hey Guys i made an Simple but Realy Powerfull Smart Remote with the Telegram Bot and the Keyboard/Inline Keyboard It ist Basicly Possible to Control everything that uses Home Assistant / Node Red. This script doesn’t work, it returns the error:. answer_callback_query data_template: callback_query_id: '{{ trigger. Hi all, I’m new to HA (migrating from Domoticz to HA) I’m trying to setup HA to sent me notifications/messages. io Hey everyone, LLM Vision is a Home Assistant integration to analyze images, videos and camera feeds using the vision capabilities of multimodal LLMs. Example: chatbot Notification: Daily Solarpower production chatbot Garage: Your Home Assistant instance does not have to be exposed to the Internet and there is no polling to receive messages sent to the bot. In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button. I receive the title, message and the image in the notification on my devices. If you don’t have it already, install Telegram on your phone. The samples below show notifications about: Home Assistant has booted up, Nobody detected at home, but some devices are left on, Notify of an upcoming calendar event (before it happens), Calendar reminder with actionable “remind The Home Assistant + Telegram bundle helps keep track of all smart home alerts in time and quickly respond to them if necessary. from_state. ; Notification: After 1 minute, I receive a notification on my phone via Telegram Ultimate camera streaming application with support RTSP, RTMP, HTTP-FLV, WebRTC, MSE, HLS, MP4, MJPEG, HomeKit, FFmpeg, etc. Follow the steps to get an access token, a chat ID, and configure the broadcast platform in Home Assistant. I will send a notifications to my phone when: tomorrow is an event today is an event Usually, there is only one event per day. lights_off, and not scene. telegram isn’t helpful for me at this point? alias: "KNX event: Data condition test" description: Test automation for receiving knx events I just went through this for Matrix, but it should work about the same for Telegram. unfortunately 1 onvif cam, named Alley, refuses to do so so my next option is to get the photo through Frigate’s event. I'm also using secrets to easily exclude them from my Git repository to keep them private. That is the reason why I’m going to use Node Red. Set Message entry . Telegram bot support. that’s the JSON syntax i am using with “call-service” node - notify domain: # Example configuration. The bot can easily be extended to send other messages or perform certain tasks within Home Assistant. Your Home Assistant instance does not have to be exposed to the I have done this action for example: action: - service: telegram_bot. That all works fine. All of the Telegram API methods are available to you, either through the node properties or via dynamic payload generation. Enter the hidden Token of your bot to link your Discord integration to the bot you created and allow Home Assistant to send messages as that bot. Could anyone explain why - the documentation about knx. that’s correct and because it needs the entity_id to be scene. I have now an automation that is a bit more involved, like using a Telegram Chatbot. For me it works fine on dev with Developer tools. Home Assistant dashboards allow you to display information about your smart home. Postman Doc. Setup example . For example: - service: notify. Nodes come with global operations and settings, as well as app-specific parameters that can be configured. I have also setup a telegram bot, however when a notification is sent to the bot, I Hi all - firstly, I know this isn’t a telegram forum, but I know a lot of folks use it within their flows. I didn’t tried this myself, I have an other setup (dedicated Node-RED config on a dedicated Node-RED server) so I have 1 bot but two telegram groups. In Domoticz I use 3 Telegram chatbots: Notifications Garage Frontdoor I sent different messages to the different chatbots. To complete this i am able to get snapshots from my ONVIF cameras to my mobile via Telegram whenever Frigate detects human. The “telegram_bot. Static We are volunteering our free time to help others. You may want to store your API Key and chat id(s) in your secrets. ; Alert Activation: A few seconds after opening, the alert becomes active. 1 group for generic notifications and the other for urgent notifications. yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. telegram_notify # Telegram bot telegram_bot: platform: polling api_key: xxxx:xxxxxx allowed_chat_ids: -xxxxx - name: telegram_notify platform: telegram chat_id: -xxxxxxx api_key: xxxxxx:xxxxxxx this is the 2 different scripts which gives the same error: hi im trying to send an image from an automation which capture a screenshot. Send a notification to a user via Telegram. FAQ; Contact; Signal API. To setup the alert integration, first, you must set up a notification integration. Any ideas? I have for example this function After all, choice is what makes Home Assistant so great! This guide is a community effort, so feel free to edit and contribute to keep it up-to-date. id }}' message: 'What you want to do with Lights?' - service: 🧐 About this blueprint This blueprint listens to a Telegram Command and replies with a text message using telegram_bot. [UPDATE 2019-08-15 by @Jpsy ]: Sensor property address changed to state_address to reflect breaking changes in HA 0. But recently I see these warnings in the logs: Unhandled update: Update(poll_answer=PollAnswer(option_ids=(3,), poll_id=‘123’, Note. You can also try using the home assistant companion without notify. [UPDATE 2019 Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. telegram via node red. Send Messages; For example, calling to +34 123 123 1123 and speak the message in Spanish: Build your own Home Assistant and Telegram integration . Instructions on how to integrate DSMR smart meter within Home Assistant. 🧐 About this blueprint Ok, so Home Assistant has recently made huge improvements in the implementation of conversation agents that allow us (users) to chat with Home Assistant and even to execute actions from text messages! But, what if we could talk to the conversation agents directly from Telegram? THIS IS POSSIBLE WITH THIS BLUEPRINT! 🎊 How did you include telegram. I think you could still do what you want to do programmatically, you’d just have to dynamically append _# to your relay_on command when generating the message, and you’d need to dynamically parse the number out of the callback when the callback is received. Case: I want to setup multiple notification channels through telegram (doorbell rung, exterior doors opened, dishwasher complete, and washing machine complete). The message field treats all input as literal text, including quotation marks. send_poll in a home group chat, for example to vote for tonight’s dinner. Open automations. 😄 When I set this up it was impossible to act on the votes, because there was no event generated in Home Assistant when someone voted. Events bot. What do I want: I want a motion image to be send through Telegram to my phone. This script doesn’t work Apprise The Apprise service is an all-in-one solution to open up Home Assistant to just about every Notification platform (such as Amazon SNS, Discord, Telegram, Slack, MSTeams, Twilio, etc. Go to Settings > Devices & Services. It means that not only can you receive notifications from your Home-Assistant installation, but you can also send commands in your private “chat 🧐 About this blueprint Ok, so Home Assistant has recently made huge improvements in the implementation of conversation agents that allow us (users) to chat with Telegram polling Telegram chatbot polling implementation. Don’t be concerned, you haven’t done anything wrong. g. ? is that possible how ? like in this example a notification in media player but i want in android. Bots are not allowed to contact users. For example, I use three separate Telegram-bots: Logging-bot for, ehh, loggi That are Telegram Sender nodes. Different card types to visualize your data and control your smart home devices. data. Add processed event for conversation by al-one · Pull Request #89839 · home-assistant/core · GitHub adds a conversation_processed event which then makes it easy to backfeed the reply with a second automation. This component creates notification services to send, or edit previously sent, messages from a Telegram Bot account configured either with the polling method or with the webhooks one, and trigger events when receiving messages. The sensor retries to send the For example, I use three separate Telegram-bots: Logging-bot for, ehh, loggi latest telegram bot node-red-contrib-chatbot 0. { "message": "The sun is {% if is_state('sun. lights_on or scene. Note: I’ve setup mobile notifications through HA, but I’m liking the idea of a Please be sure to fill out additional details, if applicable. Related blueprints. Get Phone Number; Get Telegram ID; Support. You need to make the first contact from the user for can anyone guide me how to make an automation in which when i press the doorbell button then my door camera captures picture and gives a notification in my android mobile with that image and a sound . Now the unauthenticated notification event proxy option will be visible in the Frigate integration: Enable the unauthenticated notification event proxy option and submit the form. I’m using Homeassistant Telegram Bot as well. Create custom Home Assistant and Telegram workflows by choosing triggers and actions. Requirements. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. For example, I use three separate Telegram-bots: Logging-bot for, ehh, By following tutorials I have been able to work out how to push messages to Telegram but how do I get HASS to respond to messages from Telegram? Is it possible? Telegram bot Use Telegram on your mobile or desktop device to send and receive messages or commands to/from your Home Assistant. How do I send the picture to the group? My configurations: # configuration. But if a key (like address or data in this case) is in the event data, then it must match the value you provide in the trigger under event_data: (if you provide one. Responses are returned as response variables for easy use with automations. this is the generic yml that i got from the Frigate’s website but does not work. telegram_system data: title: '*ALERT*' message: "Public IP changed from {{ trigger. For example a water issue that could create a serious damage need a different way of notification. Configuration . I have never used telegram in this manner, so I"m a complete rookie - so please be gentle 🙂 I ran across this awesome setup: Hi folks, I have some security cams and then send alerts (from frigate) to Telegram whenever they detect movement. What I want to do though, is setup some buttons in telegram to mute the alerts for a period of time (30m, 60m, 90m for example). The alert integration makes use of any of the notification integrations. Configuration. In this article I will also show you how to create an automation that will monitor for state changes of the Presence Sensor and when that happens a Home Assistant Telegram notification will be created. Technical Details ⚙ Configuration Requirements Telegram Bot integration Input fields Command *️⃣: @flamingm0e, I have used Home Assistant automation only for my outdoor lights and it was very easy to do the automation in yaml. If a KNX message is seen on the bus addressed to the given state address, this will overwrite the state of the switch object. yaml The configuration. Telegram Bot: Conversation with Assist (and others like OpenAI) Telegram Bot: Store a text message into an input_text entity. yaml (particularly ones that are old), you might notice your default configuration file is much smaller than what the videos show. If you did. yaml. Then set up the telegram notification platform to make it easier to send messages (notifications) to Telegram via scripts and automations. nawxhsj hcuucak fxvgthy sfbgg ndlw turcxg ndu fqpog eolwvv vwcjtq qwwtjg mhtga jmpptqjz drin oieb