Primarchs vs Roboute Guilliman version Gathering Storm Bonus: in case it's too much for Naruto, get help from Team 7 (Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi, also the EoS and Boruto version) Primarchs like Gulliman who is not as skilled in melee combat as some of his brothers would be stalled by the head of the Custodes. The Emperors view on the Custodes vs Primarchs . 61e20 times in power difference between the lowest end of 4-B, and the highest end of 4 Need to know environmental conditions to the closest simple point. If were giving him that, we could just as easily give the Primarchs relics, there are some items in the 40k world of immense power. if the Lion comes back, he might be in the unenviable position of taking command from a Chapter Master with MORE time in command than hehad before disappearing. Curze vs Sangy : Fought to a standstill, though neither side were really in it and Sanguinius was unarmored with a ceremonial sword. PowerlvlsRbullsh1t. Or Andor. Follow 5714. The Khan is described as being twice the height of a white Scars legionary - even if a typical Pretty sure the custodes vs astartes is in The First Heretic. Thought these would be good matchups and wanted to get your opinions-I really have no idea how to make the call. Due to this, Guilliman So I have no fucking clue why you ban Magnus even when the title said 'all Primarchs'. Whether the Primarchs could be considered "human" is debatable, just as it's debatable whether you can really consider Astartes to be "human" anymore. I thought to myself within the confines of what the community might consider Mary-sues or plot armor, yet i If the Primarchs are caught without any info, they might struggled for a minute while they adapt and then crush their opponents. Round 2: Primarchs Vs Only Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, as well as Ultra-Beasts. Please only register if you have an autoconfirmed account there, as otherwise your registration will be rejected. ) If primarchs are not using what Sigmar has, then what EXACTLY are they using? The Primarchs are all together, and are willing to work together with one another to get through this. Start with Khan vs Mortarion: Khan wins, is more of a draw Guilliman vs Magnus: Guilliman forces Magnus back with the help of the Sisters of Silence. ) Are we using the exact Age Of Sigmar,(as in time period) Sigmar? 8. All Primarchs are pre heresy Standard Equipment The Sanctuary II cannot provide orbital bombardments as support, just troops. The two of these fights I've read, Lorgar vs An'ggrath and Sanguinius vs Ka'bandha were amazing. Sanguinius . Cu Chulainn vs. Bloodthirster. However, they do come with quite a few draw backs with the whole horus Assuming high end for both factions, can the Primarchs succeed or will they be stopped by the cosmic abominations that are, Japanese High School Girls in Pretty Little Dresses? VS. On average i would probably say primarchs though. The disappearance of the II and XI Legions were created 18 Primarchs pretty easily, presuming the emperor is alive and fighting, although hes strong hes not unkillable and bullshit be dammed he does not just wipe people away, during his battle on Gorro he nearly got fucked by the orc warboss so 18 decent primarchs working together (Especially if one was horus) will kill him. r/40kLore. Dorn kills kharn with a single backhand punch. Who is coming out on top? 19 Primarchs or ~150 Power Rangers from every single iteration. If Loken is 8ft tall, this puts Horus easily 14-16ft range. Most capable threat to a primarch in their weight class is probably a dreadnought. People say that Roboute is utterly vulnerable to psykers, but in Gathering storm 3, before the SOS arrive to assist on Luna, he endured tremendous psychic punishment from Magnus. You have yet to provide an article that shows that the Daemon Primarchs are, and I’ll break it down, as follows: Round 1: Emperor vs All Primarchs but they are uncorrupted. Sanguinius or magnus could probably body most of the phoenix lords like 9 out of ten times. Custodes are just on a whole other level. This has curbstomp with a golden power armored foot written all over it. . While they may not be 100% true opposites, the one compelling This forum is strictly intended to be used by members of the VS Battles wiki. Jedi any time. Magnus or even Lorgar are far greater in power than him, so before anything even gets started, the Didact is going to get turned into mush. All we know is Custodes are stronger than traditional Astartes All right, this is another battle between Primarchs and Servants, but I decided to not use any 'nuke' spamming Servants to make the fight more vs *The Primarchs *Sanguinuis *(pre-heresy)Horus *(pre-heresy)Fulgrim *Magnus *Angron (pre-heresy) All with standard equipment and loudout. Bang is also not only (probably) stronger than most Primarchs, but is much much faster, and has martial arts Abaddon vs. It’s important to recognise however that Primarchs are not just augmented Humans, they are augmented Humans with the spirits of Gods inside them, making them above any Human. So with Guilliman's return and another loyalist Primarch hopefully on the horizon as being brought back, how do you guys think the introduction of another loyalist will swing the balance of power in the Galaxy between the Imperium and Chaos? Abaddon vs Primarchs . At best a primarch might be able to wound the chaos gods if lucky. Archived post. Because Trazyn doesn't prioritize physical traits, he prioritizes interesting things. Angron vs Russ : Angron win though it's said russ was holding back Russ vs Lion fist fight : evenly matched Guilliman v Angron : Angron win The main thing I took away from this is the general lack of top tier Primarchs engaging in serious combat, with Russ and Horus in Wolfsbane being the only real example. But the reason is the Loyalists are still surrounded by fate and Destiny unlike their traitor Primarchs who gave Emperor of Mankind (Peak Power) vs Homelander (Any Version) (Spoiler free please) Battle If the Emperor wins too easily substitute him for a Primarch of your choice. But someone like maugen ra would give the less combat inclined primarchs some trouble. Ultimates (pre-Ultimatum)Iron ManTho Both of them are the civilizing primarchs, one through administration and the other through religion. vs RULES: This is all of the Primarchs from 40k, working together as a team. Yet there is something moresomething buried beneath his noble exterior. That leaves the primarchs with super strength, speed and durability, all of which pale in comparison to comic Hulks (well, not all versions but certainly the versions you specified in OP). This likely ties into how the primarchs have aspects that they are warp entities. That's way off. The actual primarchs have gotta be considerably faster than light to perceive All the Primarchs are in their human-like forms so Angron for example is not a hulking demon beast. They will spawn The primarchs. I think it was Argel who states it. I'm really hoping for some big Scenario is set at Ullanor after their victory, except everyone's present. It would be more sensible to ask how many Avatars you'd need to take down Horus and Sanguinius working together. The Primarchs at present are all documented to be 4-B, or solar system level. Round 2: Emperor vs All primarchs but composite ( Daemon princes, Horus champion of Chaos Undivided ) Round 3: Emperor vs All primarchs but they all gain powers equal to Horus at his peak of Chaos Corruption. Reply reply More Well with the Servants vs Primarchs thread that had been appearing I wanted to use Karna (one of my favorites Servants) and see how he fares against the Primarchs. All the primarchs are loyalist No prep time. Primarchs mince marines. the Demon Primarchs . The simple fact that you've taken nearly half the primarchs (creatures based upon the genetic template of thecmost powerful psyker and greatest conqueror in mankinds history, and conquerors of worlds in thier own right) and placed them under the tactical guidance of the Emperor is recipe for a one I get that the vs battles wiki isn’t the best place for things but I looked up one of the primarchs and he’s solar system level apparently so even if that is remotely true the one piece team don’t stand a fucking chance The 19 Primarchs (WH40K) VS The Avengers Army (Endgame) The wikis current documentation of both the Primarchs' power and various other characters that scale to them are heavily inaccurate and negatively affect the wiki's credibility. The primarchs will also have a speed advantage across the board allowing them to blitz kratos completly in the worste case of sangiunius. No primarchs Draigo vs Mortarion: Draigo wins by The Primarchs replace all the forces that stood against Thanos at Wakanda in Avengers: Endgame. 11th Legion primarch insert your own hum-drum low-fantasy non-grimdark-immersion-breaking happening. I was unaware that certain Jedi/Sith went to those extremes of power. The GEoM in his all might wisdom decideds to test his Sons. A giant in both physical and mental terms whilst still an inhabitant of the Materium, the copper The Primarchs replace all the forces that stood against Thanos at Wakanda in Avengers: Endgame. Raditz (Dragon Ball Z) vs Primarchs (Warhammer 40,000) While all of the primarchs are having a party on Terra, Raditz arrives from space and fights them to entertain himself. This level of attack potency is derived All 26 Sternritter (Bleach) vs All 18 Primarchs (Warhammer 40K) Battle I've heard some pretty insane feats and strengths for both sides, so let's see which one is stronger! I'm honestly mostly just more familiar with Bleach than I am 40K, but I've heard some pretty insane scaling feats for both of them, so I'm interested in which one will win out! So we know that the Emperor was a perpetual, and somehow Vulkan inherited that trait, the question is, why only Vulkan, unless him being a perpetual is just a weird fluke and not something that the Emperor actually planned why not make all 20 Primarchs perpetual, it seems like a very useful trait to have, if you are making 20 sperhuman generals and you have the ability to make Primarchs are described as having massively FTL combat speed, for example as per this feat where a regular space marine was imbibed with a fraction of his primarch's power "He could see the passage of bolts and laser blasts as if they were suspended in the air". 0. Combatants start 20 meters apart from each other. He could potentially get Magnus the Red, the Primarch of the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion, is one of the few surviving Primarchs and is currently an extremely powerful Daemon Prince of the Chaos God Tzeentch. 12 solrac137 AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA (8) May 7, 2018 #3 I think that Magnus has the best chance of beating kratos everyone else probably loses ( unless horus is amped with chaos magic). Pretty sure the custodes vs astartes is in The First Heretic. So against the weaker primarchs he probably could do rounds 1&2. The other primarchs are somewhat questionable because they rely more on physical prowess, but nothing in the existing Star Wars canon (suck it, Legends!) has force users at anywhere close to the power of 40K psykers. Fulgrim killed an Avatar in single combat in Fulgrim, and I shouldn't need to bring up Sanguinius slaying Ka'Bandha. Doubtful that he could do that with any psychic Primarch. Primarchs are massively difficult to pin down as every author seems to pick their own. The two groups meet and battle. In Master of Mankind one fights with legit half his head gone for a crazy long time. 6. Leman Russ . Darkshine hilariously eclipses the strength of Primarchs, as well as being so tough power weapons probably couldn't even cut him. The massive scientific effort to create the primarchs before the start of the Unification Wars in the 30 th Millennium was known as the Primarch Project. The Lion was found rather late, and started his nap RIGHT after the Heresy, where Azrael had been the DA commander for a long time before the vs Loyal Primarchs (They are from the left side) Round 1: Fight 1 vs 1 until the primarchs are over. I knew that Palpatine Luke have some ridiculous feats for Force users, not nothing like that. They're still Daemon Princes. More posts you may like r/40kLore. Greater Daemons have always been Daemons. Fulgrim . Even just the first two, Cure White and Black, were able to tango with the Guilliman was also one of the only Primarchs who left a planet in a better state than before the invasion and focused on how the world could be used, improved, colonized, uplifted, integrated and becoming a full-fledged supporting member of the Imperium and the Great Crusade instead of being left a war-torn ruin. Open comment sort options Chaos The Primarchs, according to the Khan, are all innately warp attuned and can withstand/interact with it in ways even human psykers can't. Standard gear Morals off starting distance is 200 meters battle on the Planet Daemon Primarchs are Daemon Princes that were Primarchs. Less than the number of Astartes, more than the number of other Primarchs is about as best an answer as you're going to get. I think most Primarchs would do very well against most high ranking Necrons. The 19 Primarchs (WH40K) VS The Avengers Army (Endgame) Instead of Thanos being able to time travel and showing up at the Avenger's compound, the forces of Chaos have decided to reunite the scattered seeds of the God Emperor and make them fight for fun. Set in an abandoned New York. Thanos also has the Black Order minus Gamora and Nebula. Now, primarchs are so fast that, to space marines, their movements seem like a blur (can be seen in the fight jhagatai khan vs mortarion in the book white scars). Keeper of Secrets, Sanguinius vs. For example Sanguinius and his connection to the Baalite warp entities. So. Serious By an act of ROB, the Didact is sent into the Warhammer 40k universe during the Great Crusade and starts messing with the Space Marine Legions. Angron did lift a 500 tonne Titan, though he did almost die in the attempt. The primarchs. Round 1: emps vs all primarchs (including omegon) Round 2: emps has malcador and constantin valdor at his side helping him malcador and constantin switch to the primarchs side if this is too lopsided Primarchs and Chapter Masters . Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Even at a council of war, . 4 years ago. Who wins? R2: The Primarchs + their Legions in an army Magnus the Red, the Primarch of the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion, is one of the few surviving Primarchs and is currently an extremely powerful Daemon Prince of the Chaos God Tzeentch. I have provided a Lexicanum article directly addressing the Primarchs. Pages relating to the Primarchs from Warhammer 40,000. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So I guess I just realized this after seeing the new Angron model. 1 slayer1968 Can the most fabulous President of the United States take on the Primarchs? Funny Valentine is at his best Everyone is in character Standard equipment Victory by death or incapacitation Round 1: pre-Heresy Primarchs Round 2: post-Heresy Primarchs vs "Of all the Primarchs, save perhaps Mortarion, Lion El'Jonson stands apart. Yeah considering 15 finger Sukuna could perform a feat like that and Gojo scales to a far stronger Sukuna, Gojo easily has the Primarchs beat in terms of physical strength based on most mid-end feats for the Primarchs. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Sanguinius is far beyond hyper sonic (his movements literally could not be seen by space marines in the fight vs horus). Voting closed Share Add a Comment. Sasaki vs. Angron . This is Godzilla from IDW comics. Lorgar the weakest of the primarchs what fighting is concerned butchers his way through the raven guard. R4: If even R3 is a stomp they all get the Custodes as well. They were perfect demigods (or demigod-like) super space Marines, but they were very difficult to mass produce. Portals that can summon deamons or create rifts in reality to the warp. Warhammer still arrives. Some quotes from Scars about Jaghatai Khan to give an I don't understand how anyone could believe Primarchs stand even a sliver of a chance against the Avengers. )Are the primarchs in their HH or great crusade form; for the traitor primarchs are they in daemon form where possible or normal? 7. ; The Artifact: In the early editions, the 30th millennium was portrayed as a long lost age of myth and legend similar to how the Age of Strife is depicted. Each is pitted against Dante from Devil May Cry (Any version) This is during the Great Crusade and all of the Primarchs are uncorrupted and hanging out on Holy Terra for a family picnic. All 18 Primarchs vs 616 Thanos. It is unknown exactly when the project began but Perturabo would later estimate his own birth to be the year 792. The entire www is essentially primarchs vs infinity gauntlet, not primarchs vs thanos. Partially this is due to his taciturn nature -- a brooding silence hangs over him at all times. He was also known during the early years of the Imperium as the Crimson King and the Red Cyclops. Angron Lion vs. Wiki Points. (1/3) Each Warhammer 40k Primarch had relatively comparable attributes in strength, charisma, intellect Primarchs are just the avatars of each of his attributes effectively making them demi-gods in a sense. Both of them need to believe in something. Now we have the top tier primarchs for power, Horus(chaos infused), magnus and Guiliman's "conversation" with him after his return shows that even the superhuman Primarchs are unable to comprehend his thoughts enough to so much as communicate with him anymore. Jaghatai Khan . Again in Horus Rising, Horus has to kneel down fully to look Garviel Loken directly in the eye. And then there are beings like the primarchs, who even hold up to him in the physical department. Praetorian . Russ vs Magnus : Russ win with sisters of silence Even then it costs the Loyalists dearly to defeat them, hell it's more of a feat for the Loyalists than an anti feat for the Traitors. Irrelevant vs void ships. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Primarchs Sanguinius Roboute Guilliman Perturabo Fulgrim Lion El'Jonson Villains Makima Meruem Sukuna Muzan Pain Standard gear Manga and anime Shounen team They start 100m apart in an empty Terra Win by death Round 1 in character Round 2 bloodlusted Custodes vs Primarchs So I want to get something clear in my mind: The Custodes were made during the Unification Wars on Terra after the Thunder warriors. Horus almost killed the Emperor and was the most powerful Primarch pre-heresy (Until Matt Ward ruined it with Rob-butt Girlyman being the best). Now the stronger tier for physical abilities mainly the lion, russ and Ferrus are kind of a toss up for round one with a slight edge to Yujiro. The idea of Valdor being nearly at the ability of a primarch doesn't come from any run in with Magnus, it's just a common in-universe rumour. I figured that Karna might be to much for a single Primarch (If I'm wrong then feel free to correct me) so I thought I'd be better to pit him against various of them (in this case Loyalists Primarchs vs Chaos . Primarchs have their wargear. Namely they must save the city as well as the staff and kill/incapacitate Salem. Well, good luck survives their own presence in the first place. Truly Single Parent: The Primarchs Predalien vs Praetorian . The Loyalist Primarchs of 40K all arrive in the world of Remnant and believe via ROB shenanigans that protecting Atlas and defeating Salem must be a way to recover the God Emperor of Mankind to them. A subreddit for the lore and stories encompassing the dark future of Primarchs are the GEoM's generals and each have mighty feats of strength, valour and endurance. M30, which gives an approximate date for the project's end, though he was referring to his Primarchs each at their strongest (Both Loyalists and Traitors) with all their equipment/gear. Who would win in a deadly battle between 2 of the strongest alien types? Closed • total votes Predalien . Perhaps this is a result of his upbringing, growing to maturity alone in the monster-ridden forests of Caliban. Higher-level phaerons are instead the proverbial "costs as much as a landraider" tier of characters, and so they'll be comparable with things like the Chapter Masters, Abaddon, Kharn, Ahriman, Eldrad, the Phoenix Lords, and the The primarchs are demi gods. Herakles vs. Tatsumaki would smash the Primarchs together into a genecrafted ball of body parts and be done with them. Adventure-Friendly World: These unknown Primarchs are another facet in the vast variance of the Warhammer 40,000 universe that lets players simply fill it in however they want. Additionally, the 2nd and 11th Legion primarchs both died in embarassingly mundane circumstances. BONUS: Every Member in a team battle. Round 1: Primarchs Vs Every Pokemon (No Legendary or Mythical Pokemon). Arturia vs. Maestro is even worse to face because he is a Hulk that gave up morals a loooong time ago thanks to going batshit insane from radiation poisoning and is Getting into high ranking Necrons vs Primarchs is a different story. Going off what Mephiston can do in Mephiston: Lord of Death, he commonly just pulps the enemy within his armor. They are just above the usuall 40K marines, probably Crudade Era marine with extra steps level, custodes and primarchs are still above them. Depends. If Abaddon is the Warmaster and supposedly the leader of Chaos Undivided in the material realm, how are the Demon Primarchs so crazy massive and powerful-looking? Is Abaddon’s power just in uniting the Traitor Legions and his demon sword? History Primarch Project. The Primarchs have standard equipment, limited ammo and cannot perform repairs with whats to be found in Middle Earth, Primarchs aren't wearing helms (cause their bad*sses!) and aren't using any He did not confine himself to Astartes, Custodes, or primarchs, despite all of them being much larger and stronger and otherwise more lethal. Primarchs (Pre-Heresy), with standard gearLeman RussAngron Rouboute GuillimanCorvus Corax vs. Their dna came from the purest Primarch samples seenin 10K years, that might be this "reverse ingeneered from primarchs" thingie. During the Siege of Terra, Rogal Dorneasilypimp-slapped a raging Kharn away something like twenty meters, and then was murdering dozens of elite III Legionnaiers including some of the most powerful Khakaphony The Primarchs were genetically engineered 'super babies' created by the Emperor of Mankind. The nineteen known Primarchs show up on the battlefield instead of Thanos and his forces. Sanguinius might be bested by Iron Man, although unlikely, but Iron Man will not beat Horus. I constantly see the Primarchs being blown way out of proportion when the reality of the situation is they are fragile little weaklings Primarchs can literally break the sound barrier in terms of speed, they have nanosecond reaction times, and can lift hundreds of tonnes fairly easily. Phoenix Lords' capabilities vs the primarchs . Nov 5, 2020 #2 I'm fairly sure Pretty Cure stomps them into the dirt. So with the new release of Abaddon minature, Ive been wondering: does he stand any chance against primarchs? Can he handle Guilliman, or better yet, Russ or Lion, or, even more realistic, demon primarchs? I know he is the Warmaster, but is the only thing keeping other primarchs from kicking his arse his plot armor? Round 11: Supperalloy Darkshine vs Ferrus Manus Round 12: Watchdog Man vs Leman Russ Round 13: Flashy Flash vs Sanguinius Round 14: Genos vs Corvus Corax Round 15: Metal Bat vs Angron Round 16: Tanktop Master vs Lion El'Johnson Round 17: Puri-Puri Prisoner vs Konrad Curze Round 18: All S class heroes vs all Primarchs Some of them, yes. Round 1 Deamon Prince's as a soft rule are generally just a Tier below, except for the Deamon Primarch's who are just something else entirely and I couldn't really place them on the current pedestal. They're said (in-universe) to be to the emperor what the marines are to the primarchs, but that's a gross Primarchs like Lorgar and Alpharius would probably be within his ability to at least hold his own against for a while. wiki reader/youtuber only here! So, the Primarchs as far as I can tell were created to conquer the galaxy for the Emperor and are the most powerful individuals (humans at least) in the lore outside of the Emperor himself. Diarmuid vs. 2nd Legion primarch went into battle with his helmet off, said "Hey watch this" and took an unknown regular soldier bolter shot to the head and died. Void weapons could easily open rifts to the warp and in Hell, I'd take Ahriman vs. MErulezall. It's still the same process, a physical person becoming a daemon. Serious "Fear from it, run from it. Reply reply commit_bat • If you land your titans anywhere where enemy ships can blow them up they stop giving you titans but The Force/Primarchs can create Empires, control people, inspire people and there's no value in destroying a planet, nothing really changed with Cadia blowing up. Primarchs = 4-B Other Entities = 4-B There is approximately 5. Trazyn would likely be difficult, given all his bonkers trinkets and gadgets, and how he usually has entire armies and other powerful beings locked away in tesseract vaults. Interesting things, which includes anything from their role in key historical events to their sentimental value. Some Primarch information here. Forum Posts. The C'tan shards would be on the same general level of power as the primarchs, greater daemons, and other "big monsters" of the setting. The Emperor created twenty Primarchs. All Primarchs are The Primarchs are compelled to slaughter everything in the city; Magnus would not join the primarchs until 5 servants or 15 primarchs have died; Nobody are aware of the The Primarchs are, and have any equipment being 4-B, but nothing higher R1: Just the Primarchs in a battle royale. Its kind of like Batman vs the Joker. Any canon feats can be used (Admittedly my knowledge of Warhammer 40K isn't that strong). So reading up on the recent appearances of the phoenix lords in lore, i came across a tidbit i havent known of Maugan Ra defeating a tendril of hive fleet kraken on a planet single-handedly. Remember: both primarchs and PLs arent one powerlevel they can range quite a but. Standard knowledge Perfect teamwork List for Re Zero Team: Petelgeuse, Capella , Sirius, Lye , Roy Alphard, Louis Arneb, Regulus Corneas, Typhon, Sekhmet, Echidna, Minerva, Daphne, Carmilla, and Pandora. There is no shield in this scenario to slow the hordes. " Ok so basically Thanos has time-jumped into 30k and the Emperor splits the Primarch and their Legions into 2 separate teams and must try to defeat him on either Titan or Terra. Godblight stresses how the primarchs are demigods when describing Guilliman and the other primarchs. But no amps or other temporary/one off power ups allowed. But hey, I'm certain you have good reasons right? Also, because while you said something about 30k but doesn't specify which version, I will assume you mean the Daemon Primarchs too. Every single Power Ranger ever is also hanging out and comparing colors. that are all connected in the 40k universe. The Daemon Primarchs have been described in various places as being the most powerful of a gods mortal servants to being even greater than their Greater Daemons. Two of them were lost/disappeared/ along with their legions REDACTED. Thus, there were 18 Primarchs left leading 18 Legions. They're said (in-universe) to be to the emperor what the marines are to the primarchs, but that's a gross Ur-Didact vs Primarchs . Round 2: All primarchs against Naruto Round Bonus: Naruto vs. Since the Daemon Primarchs sacrificed such a potent soul it follows that they would be stronger than many other Daemon Princes, but again that would depend on the whims of their patron, and when Daemon Primarchs duel regular primarchs it appears they are Primarchs vs Bloodthirsters I love the notion of Primarchs fighting Bloodthirsters because it's really the two top dogs fighting it out. For round two I’d give a the edge to the primarchs. After the Legions get annoyed and (fail)baddon gets slapped, the Primarchs get pissed at the Didact's shenanigans and want to beat his ass. Lord of Change, Khan vs. I can't really think of any feat the Primarchs have that don't go into high ends that are comparable to that feat. Based on the old "Primarchs vs Jedi Temple" I figured he might be able to beat a couple Primarchs before being killed himself. Horus and Sanguinius can have an Avatar each. I'd go as far as to say that any Primarch would be able to kill Vader if they start anywhere close to each other. The primarchs all try to jump emps at once. Sort by: Best. xnmqcugelkpjegkfhetcfaotgomqfrpqzkyqditlhzqjxbxordixgfodwtabxobnbfgmpituizq