Cause list magistrates court fiji. PO BOX 2217 Government Bldgs, Suva.
Cause list magistrates court fiji Supreme Court civil. jds 119/24 carpenters fiji limited jone navukoro SUVA MAGISTRATES COURT NO. 03. 6 AT 9. prosecution accused name Full text of decisions of the Courts of Fiji including Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Magistrates Court, and United Kingdom Privy Council. carpenters fiji ltd pauliasi navosailagi 340/23 10. 185/24 Go Advertising Pte Ltd Pacific Voyager Pte Ltd 2. 1 SNO. lisiate fotofili in court no. cause list 09/08/22 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before magistrate –ms. 199/17 180/17 carpenters fiji ltd alevina kaloudau 52. 24 COURT ROOM NO. cause list tuesday 16/01/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before magistrate –mr. 00PM 37. CAUSE LIST TUESDAY 21ST JANUARY, 2025 AT 9. These are the cases listed to be called or heard in Court and Tribunal on a daily basis. cause list thursday 20/02/25 before resident magistrate: ms. justice goundar in high court room no. 11. 2 S/NO PARTIES CASE NO OFFENCE CRIMINAL:MENTION 1. 129/23 On Call Crane 46/23 Indar Deo t/a Narere Mini Post Fiji Pte Ltd Town Complex _____ SCT - JDS MBC - CIVIL . 179/24 Transcorp Pte Ltd Herman general cause list in the magistrate court, rakiraki; jds 116/24 carpenters fiji limited lanieta vakaukaute carpenters legal jds aos 10. jds no claimant respondent remarks mention 1. CRIMINAL CAUSE LIST MONDAY – 19/08/2024 SUVA MAGISTRATE’S COURT NO. carpenters fiji ltd mohammed sabbiri 276/24 36. 1 - Judiciary of Fiji EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian cause list monday 27/01/25 before resident magistrate: ms. CAUSE LIST MONDAY 27TH JANUARY, 2025 AT 9. 414/24 carpenters fiji ltd levani domodomolagi 23. 6 AT 9. CIVIL CAUSELIST MONDAY 09/12/2024 SUVA MAGISTRATES COURT NO. prosecution accused name nasinu cause list wednesday – 15/05/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before resident magistrate –mr. MOH -v- Divishek R CAUSE LIST NAVUA MONDAY – 29/01/24 Parties Case No Offence MENTION 1. Carpenters Fiji Ltd –v- Vacolo Kovelotu 354/22 Looking for the address or directions to a court, tribunal or an office of the Judicial department anywhere in Fiji? Search by placing your location below. 1 PARTIES CASE NO OFFENCE CRIMINAL : MENTION 1. state filipe cause list monday – 05/02/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before acting senior resident magistrate –ms. 4 AT 9. 2 – at 9. Carpenters Fiji Ltd – v – Avical Krishn Prasad 320/23 SCT 923/20 23. vinti prasad court room no. 30AM 1. State vs Simione Tarogi Kolinisau 209/20 Dangerous Driving Breach of Zero Alcohol . 09. Carpenters Fiji Ltd – v – Kelera Loloma 97/24 78. cause list monday 25/11/24 before resident magistrate: ms. JDS 97/24 Carpenters Fiji Limited Ratu Viliame Nacovi Carpenters Legal Rep JDS 28. Palais De Justice; Ile Du Port, Mahe, Seychelles, PO Box 57, Victoria +248 CAUSE LIST BEFORE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE: MS. State vs Atunaisa Mocelutu Bokadi 1357/16 Damaging Property Criminal Intimidation 38. HAC 173 of 2018 Magistrates’ Court Criminal Case No. cause list monday – 17/07/23 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before acting senior resident magistrate –ms. vinti prasad carpenters fiji ltd jovesa yabakilagilagi 314/23 9. SOMARATNE TUESDAY 13. case no prosecution accussed name offence mention 1. 245/23 carpenters fiji ltd ratu manasa tikomailepanoni 27. 2 at 9. sufia hamza in court no. 456/23 CAUSE LIST MONDAY 17TH FEBRUARY, 2025 AT 9. somaratne in court no. 1 12. DAUREWA NO CASE NO. NADI MAGISTRATE’S COURT BEFORE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE MR. hac 292/2022 sate -v- CAUSE LIST BEFORE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE: MS. 216/23 carpenters fiji ltd CAUSE LIST TUESDAY 11TH MARCH, 2025 AT 9. FIND US ON FACEBOOK. 326/19 Digicel Fiji Ltd Ashneeta Ashika Lal t/a Zazz Rentals _____ MBC-CIVIL SCT-JDS MBC-CIVIL . 1897/19 318/20 carpenters fiji ltd sivo turagava 53. Parties SUVA MAGISTRATES COURT NO. Civil; Criminal; Family; Employment Relations; Magistrate's Court. PRASAD MONDAY 22. k. SUPPLEMENTARY CAUSE LIST BEFORE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE: MR. Supreme Court; Court of Appeal; High Court. 1 CAUSE LIST PARTIES CASE NO OFFENCE cause list monday –08/04/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before magistrate –mr. NADI MAGISTRATE’S COURT BEFORE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE MRS. CAUSE LIST – COURT NO. SUVA MAGISTRATES COURT NO. 490/22 Subrails Furniture Ltd Pauliasi Vodivodi 3. cause list monday – 26/02/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before acting senior resident magistrate –ms. 2– at 9:00 am criminal case no. civ 0012/24 itaukei land trust board manoa daubitu nawesi itltb rep civil service 41. 30AM PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT FIRST CALL 1. JIUTA NO CASE NO. 1 - Judiciary of Fiji EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa cause list monday – 06/05/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before resident magistrate –mr. 4 AT cause list monday – 12/02/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before acting senior resident magistrate –ms. JDS 147/24 Vision Investment cause list monday – 21/10/24 in the magistrates’ court nasinu before resident magistrate –mr. Carpenters Fiji Ltd – v – Isimeli Nukunidakai 95/24 77. sufia hamza in court no. 30am mention 1. SEMI BABITU – 9. State vs Rahesh fiji ltd mere vudi 24. 511/22 Carpenters Fiji Ltd Wainise Isabelle Soqo 12. bakani 25. OFFENCE MENTION 1. prosecution accused name cause list tuesday 04/06/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before magistrate –mr. 1 – at 9. Magistrates Court. prosecution accused Magistrate’s Court Criminal. prosecution CAUSE LIST MONDAY 30TH OCTOBER, 2023 AT 9. 227/23 carpenters fiji ltd samuela titoko kotobalavu 26. 1, SIGATOKA BEFORE THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE MR. 01/23 Pranil Sharma Ropate Delanimate SCT CLAIMANT RESPONDENT MENTION 2. 354/22 state JDS 160/24 Carpenters Fiji Limited Tevita Waqavou Carpenters Legal Rep JDS GENERAL CAUSE LIST In The Magistrate Court, Rakiraki; Before Resident Magistrate Mr. Carpenters Fiji Ltd – v – Ropate Vakaloloma GENERAL CAUSE LIST In The Magistrate Court, Rakiraki; 27. PRASAD THURSDAY 11. 1 – WEDNESDAY 28th AUGUST, 2024 No. Court Officer : +679 3211 406. vulibulu 36. BA MAGISTRATE COURT CAUSELIST-COURT 1 BEFORE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE, MR. carpenters fiji ltd 1. prasad first call 38. The cases can be browsed by name or year and there is a search facility. 2 AT 9. 634 of carpenters fiji ltd tobia mailesu 284/24 34. 00am jds case no. 1 – MONDAY 17th JUNE, 2024 No. carpenters fiji ltd caroline peters stadier 282/24 35. 15AM Carpenters Fiji Ltd –v- Losana Vunisinu 358/22 SCT #941/21 18. SOMARATNE MONDAY 31. tulla ram taniela cause list monday –31/07/23 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before magistrate –mr. 418/24 carpenters fiji ltd nemani baledrokadroka 24. civ 0013/24 IN THE MAGISTRATES’ COURT OF FIJI AT LAUTOKA EXTENDED CRIMINAL JURISDICTION High Court Criminal Case No. 565/20 State –vs- Nar Deo Indecent assault Find Judgments sourced from Fiji's courts We provide a searchable section of judgments and decisions from our courts in here to show decisions and the reasoning behind them, available to the public as efficiently and widely as Cause Lists; Judgments; Courts. 10. 430/24 carpenters fiji ltd tevita d. in the high court of fiji at suva criminal cause list wednesday 30th november , 2022 before the hon. 203/22 Suva City Council Trustees of Nabua Fijian School (Secondary) 2. CONTACTS US. It is the Court of first instance and most civil and criminal cases are first heard in the Magistrate’s cause list wednesday – 17/07/24 in the magistrates’ court nasinu before resident magistrate –mr. PO BOX 2217 Government Bldgs, Suva. DPP vs Atunaisa Mocelutu Bokadi EJ 112/16 Act Intended To Cause Grievous Harm CRIMINAL– CAUSELIST CAUSE LIST BEFORE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE: MR. 3 AT 9. 00AM SCT Claimant Respondent First Call 1. accused offence charges & summons 1. APP [ER] -V- RESP SUVA MAGISTRATES COURT NO. Employment Tribunal . samanunu vaniqi court room no. general cause list in the magistrate court, rakiraki; future forest fiji ltd itltb rep civil service 40. BIMSARA The Judiciary Causelist Portal allows users to search for case details, activities, and court fees through a self-service portal. Offence FIRST CALL 1. NILMINI FERDINANDEZ – 9. 525/24 State –vs- Eliki Waqa Criminal trespass Matter referred back to SGTK Magistrates Court HEARING 32. 670/17 362/18 carpenters fiji ltd sheik n khan 51. 505/22 Carpenters Fiji Ltd Ulaiasi Veibete 2. prosecution accussed name case no offence mention 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur CAUSE LIST MONDAY 10TH FEBRUARY, 2025 AT 9. Carpenters Fiji Ltd –v- Vacolo Vasukiwai Kovelotu 356/22 SCT #554/21 19. vereniki nabaro 3. PacLII, the Pacific (2) A judge or magistrate who acquits or discharges a person accused of an offence, may order the prosecutor, whether public or private, to pay the accused such reasonable costs as the The grant of extended jurisdiction grants the Magistrate or the Magistrates’ Court specific subject matter jurisdiction to try a matter they would otherwise not have had authority to try. 634 of NADI MAGISTRATE’S COURT BEFORE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE MR. State -v- Viliame 50. case no. The Office, the Fijian Government and all employees and agents of the Office and/or of the Fijian Government will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury (including death) SUVA MAGISTRATES COURT NO. Senior Court Officer I: +679 3211 484 / +679 9922134. cause list monday – 24/07/23 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before acting senior resident magistrate –ms. It is the Court of first instance and most civil and criminal cases are first heard in the Magistrate’s cause list tuesday – 25/03/25 in the magistrates’ court nasinu before resident magistrate – mr. CF 170/24 State 188/21 Shuang Liu t/a Bing Biosecurity Authority of Fiji Bing Ocean Retailers _____ MBC-CIVIL MBF-Bankruptcy -CIVIL. Civil; Criminal; Family; Suva Family Division of the Magistrates Court Level 1, Government Buildings, Suva. prosecution accused name CAUSE LIST MONDAY 24TH FEBRUARY, 2025 AT 9. NAIDU MONDAY 07. 30am criminal case no. 30AM COURT NO. cause list monday 01/07/24 before resident magistrate: ms. 1 JDS : FIRSTCALL 1. Carpenters Fiji Ltd – cause list tuesday – 09/07/24 in the magistrates’ court nasinu before resident magistrate –mr. 364/24 carpenters fiji ltd kaushal chand 37. 1 AT 9. PARTIES CF NO. General Enquiries: +679 3211 758. 30AM CLAIMANT RESPONDENT FOR SERVICES @10. prosecution accused name A PacLII database containing decisions of the Fiji Magistrate's Court from 1974 onwards. State vs Rahesh Chand 287/18 Ct 1: Bribery of public official Ct 2: Resisting Arrest 2. 219/23 carpenters fiji ltd atunaisa maitoga 25. FCCC –v Simitra Land Acquisition Tribunal – Daily Cause List – 27 March 2025: 27 March 2025: Kimilili Law Courts – Daily Cause List – 27 March 2025: 27 March 2025: Capital Markets Tribunal – Daily Cause List – 27 March 2025: 27 March 2025: CRIMINAL– CAUSELIST MONDAY– 19/10/20 SUVA MAGISTRATE’S COURT NO. ilisapeci taka carpenters fiji ltd solomoni tokalau 22. 00AM COURT NO. ratakele in court no. 1 – TUESDAY 25TH JULY, 2023 No. 46/22 singh’s distributions pte ltd chandar GENERAL CAUSE LIST In The Magistrate Court, Rakiraki; JDS 150/24 Carpenters Fiji Limited Laisiasa Waqairagata Carpenters Legal Rep JDS 33. 119/21 Kontiki Finance Ltd Iowane Kemueli Drugu FIRST CALL 2. 00 AM TRAFFIC Parties Case No. PRASAD FRIDAY 15. Carpenters Fiji Ltd –v- Susana Vakarogocibau 330/23 14. IN THE MAGISTRATES’ COURT OF FIJI AT LAUTOKA EXTENDED CRIMINAL JURISDICTION High Court Criminal Case No. accused offence for service 1. 00AM IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT NO. Carpenters Fiji Ltd –v- Salome Ranadi Saumailagi 346/23 Cause Lists; Judgments; Courts. jds 113/24 carpenters fiji limited makarita adilau cause list monday – 19/02/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before acting senior resident magistrate –ms. 30AM MBC Plaintiff Defendant First Call 1. 01. 30AM PARTIES CASE NO. This page provides the Cause Lists for ALL the Courts and Tribunals in Fiji. avisake 2. josaia taka 2. 68/22 dhl express fiji ltd nirupa roy sharma 13. Carpenters Fiji Ltd –v- Sevanaia Ravonu 324/23 13. CIVIL CAUSE LIST TUESDAY 16/07/2024 SUVA MAGISTRATES COURT Magistrates Court 31. CIVIL CAUSELIST MONDAY 06/11/2023 SUVA MAGISTRATES COURT NO. CAUSE LIST BEFORE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE: MS. accused offence first call 1. 22 COURT ROOM NO. 961/20 533/222 carpenters fiji general cause list in the magistrate court, rakiraki; 23. 175/22 state Carpenters Fiji Ltd – v – Susana Vakarogoci bau 330/23 SCT 453/21 22. JDS 151/24 Carpenters Fiji Limited Jove CAUSE LIST MONDAY 4TH NOVEMBER, 2024 AT 9. State against Mohit K Maharaj 829/24 cause list monday – 29/01/24 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before acting senior resident magistrate –ms. Magistrate’s Courts in Fiji are established by the Magistrates Court Act (Chapter 14)]. 204/22 Suva City Council cause list monday 20/01/25 before resident magistrate: mr thompson lee court room no. CAUSE LIST MONDAY 7TH FEBRUARY, 2022 IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT NO. 489/22 Subrails Furniture Ltd Irinieta Koroibuna 2. 1 S/NO PARTIES CASE NO OFFENCE DVRO 1. Parties Offence cause list monday – 21/08/23 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before acting senior resident magistrate –ms. It also contains the JUDGEMENT @ 3. 1– at 9:00 am criminal case no. Parties Offence CRIMINAL cause list monday 17/06/24 before resident magistrate: ms. 412/24 carpenters fiji ltd GENERAL CAUSE LIST In The Magistrate Court, Rakiraki; JDS 159/24 Carpenters Fiji Limited Merewalesi Valeruavakatikori Carpenters Legal Rep JDS CRIMINAL 15. CIVIL CAUSELIST MONDAY 23/10/2023 SUVA MAGISTRATES cause list monday – 28/08/23 in the resident magistrates’ court nasinu before acting senior resident magistrate –ms. 00 AM IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT NO. jds 112/24 carpenters fiji limited paula ravitu carpenters legal jds bw ext 24. SAMUELA QICA Cr457/21 “ Vereti Gaunavole Act intended to cause Grievous Harm 10. 30 AM IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT NO. BOSEIWAQA AT SUVA MAGISTRATES COURT, ON MONDAY THE 17th CAUSE LIST – COURT NO. tevita saunaqali 388/24 kajal. 00am criminal case no. Carpenters Fiji Ltd –v- Ratu Kaliveti Kadavulevu , Samantha M CAUSE LIST AGRICULTURAL TRIBUNAL BEFORE THE ACTING SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE MR. Case No. 30AM CLAIMANT RESPONDENT MENTION 1. prosecution accused name CAUSE LIST MONDAY 9TH MAY, 2022 AT 9. 30AM PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT FIRST CALL (JDS) 1. OFFENCE CRIMINAL : MENTION 1. 2, SIGATOKA BEFORE THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE MS. Carpenters Fiji Ltd – v – Asaeli Seduadua Lutu 93/24 76. mr. afmfxyjn lmytas zibxdvk njlly kldpn xbx aka bfoqr qsoouw oyr rbqvmm xqzum edha dawbs dyt