Gyeon evo one Durabilidad de hasta 2 años con una sola capa. Gyeonservices. Q² One EVO brings the benefits of all forms of protectio Der Gyeon Q²M SilkDryer EVO ist eine aktualisierte und verbesserte Version eines der innovativsten Trocknungstücher auf dem Markt. GYEON Q2 One EVO ochrání Vaše auto na více než 24 měsíců nebo 25 000 km, a to už je slušná porce na keramiku v této cenové hladině. 000 km dayanım gösterir. Brillo candy, alta repelencia al agua, aplicación With the introduction of EVO formulas, Q² One EVO is even more simple to apply than before. Es un recubrimiento fácil de aplicar que ayudará a proteger su pintura, mientras proporciona una gran cantidad de brillo. With the introduction of EVO formulas, Q² Q² One EVO is the perfect introduction to the world of paint coatings – with a SiO2-based formula and an extremely user-friendly application, One EVO brings high levels of candy gloss while It delivers great durability, improved by 50% compared with its previous version. We want the coating to go on thick and even. STEP 2 - Schutz. GYEON - Q2 Pure EVO Light box. Q2 View EVO will improve visibility by forming a hardwearing, super hydrophobic layer on your glass which boasts up to 24 months of protection on the windscreen Various wheel rim types are available on the market, e. They Gyeon Q2 One na Allegro - Zróżnicowany zbiór ofert, najlepsze ceny i promocje. Sigue siendo tan fácil de aplicar como la cera natural, sigue siendo duradero y resistente, protegiendo la pintura del coche más de 24 meses. It is extremely hydrophobic and, due to its slightly thicker consistency, incredibly easy to apply. The one you need. La versión EVO mejorada reúne los beneficios de todas las formas de protección. 99 1:48 Wipe off immediately with either the Q²M SoftWipe or Q²M PolishWipe. UM REVESTIMENTO CERÂMICO (VITRIFICADOR) DE NÍVEL INICIAL SIMPLES DE USAR, MAS BRILHANTEMENTE EFICAZ E DURÁVEL. Q²M ScrubPad EVO is a double-sided cleaning tool for vehicle interiors. €61,00 - €125,00) Volume * 30 ml 50 ml 100 ml. 48 Q2 ONE EVO THE ONE YOU NEED. GYEON GYEON - Q2 View EVO. 24 ay – 25. Il est aussi facile à appliquer qu'une cire naturelle et reste durable et résistant comme un SOBRE O PRODUTO AQUELE QUE VOCÊ PRECISA. Thanks to its Q²M WheelMitt EVO is a precise and effective glove-shaped mitt, designed especially for cleaning rims and hard-to-reach areas. With the introduction of EVO formu Mit der Einführung der EVO-Formeln ist Q² One EVO noch einfacher aufzutragen als zuvor. EN DE EN Email address Password GYEON Q² Matte EVO 擁有獨特的陶瓷鍍膜塗層,適用於啞光表面,增強顏色的同時不會改變啞光油漆、PPF或改色膜的表面質感。GYEON Q² Matte EVO 為單層配方,容易使用,具有極高的疏水性及耐久性。 ¡Gyeon One Evo toma todo lo que te gusta del Gyeon One y lo mejora! Gyeon One Evo es un recubrimiento fácil de aplicar que ayudará a proteger su pintura, mie Inicio; Productos Scholl Concepts; Jescar; 3D Products; Rupes; CarPro; 1 Stück GYEON Q²M GlassPolish - Glaspolitur 20 ml; 1 Stück GYEON Q²M Block Applicator für Cleanse; 1 Stück GYEON Q² Repel - Glas Coating EVO 20 ml; 1 Stück GYEON Q²M Block Applicator; 4 Stück GYEON Pure EVO is going to be a complete 180° experience from using Mohs EVO. GYEON Q2 PURE EVO Ceramic Coating – Ultra Gloss – sio2 Hard – Deep Shine - Single Layer – Outdoor Application – Water Spot Resistant - Extreme Durability (50ml) 66 $89. Gyeon Q2 One EVO Light Box es un coating cerámico de nivel básico, fácil de usar pero eficaz y duradero. Vergeleken met de versie die in 2015 werd geïntroduceerd, heeft de EVO-variant een hogere GSM van 530. Het blijft tot 24 maanden zitten op de meest intensief Gyeon Shop Deutschland | Versandkostenfrei ab 50€ | Langzeit Keramikversiegelungen, PPF Folie, Politur und Autopflege Produkte Online Bestellen. A SIMPLE TO USE, YET BRILLIANTLY EFFECTIVE AND DURABLE ENTRY LEVEL CERAMIC COATING. Die auf Siliziumdioxid (SiO2) basierende Rezeptur wurde speziell entwickelt, um einen Q² Mohs EVO is the traditional silicon-based ceramic coating from Gyeon, essentially the original formula that made Gyeon globally renowned. Das Kit beinhaltet alles, was Descripción. Mum gibi uygulaması kolay, aynı zamanda bir kaplama gibi dayanıklı ve dirençlidir. Geride bıraktığı kalın katmanın doğası gereği Q² One EVO, önceki modele göre %50 oranında geliştirilmiş mükemmel bir dayanıklılık sunar ve uygun bakımla 24 ayın tamamını maksimuma çıkarır. Q² Pure EVO brengt het uiterlijk van de lak naar een nieuw niveau, door het leveren van pure candy gloss. Beading would be however nothing without the intense candy gloss. Whoever follows our journey, knows that the formulations of Q² Rim, Q² Trim or Q² View remained untouched for more than a decade. STEP 1 - Prepare Gelcoat Glass Trim Wood 一般的鍍膜產品針對車漆結合而設計,gyeon q² ppf evo 的獨特配方針對 ppf 物料而設,使其成為可用於 ppf 中最耐用和最疏水的塗層。 保持 PPF 自修復塗層 GYEON Q² PPF EVO 可與所有 PPF 搭配使用,包括 Gloss PPF 及 Matte PPF,而不改變 PPF 表面原有的光澤,同時不影響 PPF Q² CanCoat EVO oferuje trwalsze działanie, ulepszoną poprawę wyglądu i jeszcze lepsze właściwości hydrofobowe - wszystko dzięki zaktualizowanej formule EVO. Thanks to the formula and our Q²M CoatingApplicator, 套裝包含 Q² Syncro EVO 施工所需的一切,你可放心地塗上提供持久效果的專業級鍍膜塗層。GYEON Q² Syncro EVO 是消費市場及專業用家層面上最高級別的鍍膜塗層,採用雙層塗層系統,第一層 GYEON Q² Mohs EVO 提供耐用和持久的保護,第二層 GYEON Q² Skin EVO 則提供無與倫比的疏水和光澤,有效期長達 3 年。 Gyeon Q² Matte EVO is a ceramic coating based on polysilazane, specially developed for matte paints and matte films. Il est le choix idéal pour tous ceux qui souhaitent se lancer dans la pose d'une protection céramique. More performance and higher chemical resistance make it a great entry-level coating for any enthusiast. Microfibre products are used while washing, decontaminating, drying, polishing, coating and maintaining every single element of a vehicle. All product collections: Produktsortiment . Gyeon Quartz USA. Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz! Das Gyeon Q² One EVO Kit wurde speziell für Enthusiasten entwickelt. Q² Rim EVO is an appropriate product to protect each one. In winkelwagen. Es bietet eine hervorragende Haltbarkeit, die im Vergleich zu seiner Vorgängerversion um 50 % verbessert wurde. Fully synthetic materials remain as new after many uses. Where Pure EVO shines (pun 100% Gyeon Q² One EVO es un revestimiento cerámico SIO2 que brinda increible brillo, hidrofobia y protección por 24 meses. Beoordeling Q² View EVO houdt vast aan die stamboom met een gemakkelijke applicatie dankzij de nieuwe Q²M GlassPolish en nog meer duurzaamheid en weerstand. . As per usual with the Gyeon EVO range, expect improved durability, usability, and chemical resistance. spray a moderate Gyeon Pure Evo 30 ml $0 $1,900 24 meses de $111. 99 $ 64 . BOX CONTAINS: Q² ONE EVO / Q²M COATING APPL GYEON Q² One EVO Keramikversiegelung 30ml Autopflege & Zubehör Top Marken Keramik Schneller Versand Jetzt kaufen | waschguru GYEON Q² One EVO Light Keramikversiegelung 50ml Autopflege & Zubehör Top Marken Keramik Schneller Versand Jetzt kaufen | waschguru 1. Son plus gros atout : sa simplicité d'application et d'essuyage ! Syncro EVO is a two-stage coating system that combines the revolutionary technology found in Mohs EVO with the fully reformulated SiO2 topcoat, Skin EVO. 99 $ 89 . Nenechte se zmást přídomkem základní. Aplikaci navíc zvládne každý i doma. The classic Q² Mohs was known as a multilayer product. Q2 One brings the b Gyeon Q2 One EVO un cerámico con precio de entrada pero prestaciones superiores. g. It is as easy to apply as natural wax and as durable and resistant as a regular coating. Ohromí Vás úžasný lesk a perfektní odvod vody. gyeon evo는 프리미엄 코팅제가 갖춰야 할 모든 성능이 담겨있습니다. NO GARAGE? NO PROBLEM! All GYEON - Q2 One EVO Light box. Based on years of intense research, we have compiled multiple benefits from our previous developments Q² Mohs EVO is the traditional silicon-based ceramic coating from Gyeon, essentially the original formula that made Gyeon globally renowned. 1 piece GYEON Q² Mohs EVO 30 / 50 ml; 1 piece GYEON Q² Skin 50 ml; 1 piece GYEON Q²M Cure 100 ml (not included in the Light Box) 1 piece GYEON Q²M Coating Applicator; 1 piece GYEON User Manual; Application The better the surface is prepared, the better the results in terms of gloss, durability, and water-beading effect. It builds a very thick layer, requiring only this single layer to be fully functional and durable. Description; Description . Deze snel uithardende formule STEP 1 - Vorbereitung. Thorough pre-wash Products for yachts & boats . wet painted, powder coated, anodised, or polished. Il est aussi Gyeon - Q2 One EVO Box - 30ml Q² One EVO reúne los beneficios de todas las formas de protección. )Gyeon Q2 One EVO Light Box – her türlü boya korumanın avantajlarını birleştiren seramik bir kaplamadır. STEP 3 - Pflege. It remains as easy to apply as a natural wax, remains durable and resistant as a regular coating. I likhet med forgjengeren kombinerer den de beste beskyttende egenskapene Descripción. Q² One is de nieuwe coating van Gyeon voor de thuisgebruikers en professionals die de eerste stap willen maken op coating gebied. Ideal para principiantes o profesionales. Q² One brengt de voordelen van alle vormen van bescherming samen. Le Q² One EVO réunit les avantages de toutes les formes de protection. 24 ay - 25. The ceramic coating kit combines the all-new Q² With a higher GSM of 530, the EVO variant stands as a testament to GYEON's unwavering commitment to excellence, outperforming its predecessor with a remarkable 50% Q²M SilkDryer EVO is een vernieuwde en verbeterde versie van een van de meest innovatieve droogdoeken. Ein großer Vorteil von Q² Matte EVO ist sein neutrales Finish auf matten oder seidenmatten Lacken. The white side is perfect for cleaning leather or removing dirt deposits from plastic trim. If this is your first ceramic coating application, Q² ONE EVO is the perfect easy ceramic coating for you. 강력한 내구성 Gyeon Q2 View EVO is their latest coating in the EVO range, taking over from the popular Q2 View Glass Coating. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Lackversiegelung, die vom Hersteller speziell für die Anwendung durch Laien entwickelt hat, die sich GYEON Q² One Evo est un traitement céramique idéal pour les débutants ou passionnés de Detailing. Q² Pure EVO bevat het hoogst mogelijke % Silica in een coating en biedt een extreme GYEON Q² RIM EVO 是唯一專為輪圈設計的鍍膜塗層。其獨特配方具有極高的耐熱性,非常適合用於保護輪圈,免受剎車粉塵和其他環境污染物的侵害,耐久度持續長達6個月。 Gyeon - Q2 One EVO. Im Vergleich zur Vorgängerversion verfügt die EVO-Variante nun Gyeon Q² One EVO : Die Einsteiger-Versiegelung mit hohem Schutzfaktor und einfacher Anwendung. Een beoordeling schrijven Sluiten ×. Up to 2yrs with an easy application. Toggle navigation. LA CÉRAMIQUE ACCESSIBLE POUR TOUS. GYEON Q2 PURE EVO Ceramic Coating – Ultra Gloss – sio2 Hard – Deep Shine - Single Layer – Outdoor Application – Water Spot Resistant - Extreme Durability (30ml) 63 $64. Gelcoat Glas Holz Verkleidung. Trainingszentrum; Apparel; Network; Kontakt; Regional Gyeon Q2 One EVO un cerámico con precio de entrada pero prestaciones superiores. Son plus gros atout : sa simplicité d'application et d'essuyage ! Q 2 ONE EVO . It combines all the advantages of modern silicon technology with extremely user-friendly application and usage behavior: in the new formula, the product remains easy to polish within a full 5 minutes Gyeon - Q2 One EVO. GYEON Q² One Evo est un traitement céramique idéal pour les débutants ou passionnés de Detailing. Q² One EVO builds a thick layer, so you will need an absorbent towel. Home Page; About Gyeon. Enjoy! Gyeon One Evo na Allegro - Zróżnicowany zbiór ofert, najlepsze ceny i promocje. €44,00 - €108,00) Volume * 100 ml 30 ml 50 ml. The all-new Q2 MOHS EVO coating is a true advancement in ceramic coating technology. It is specifically GYEON Q² Pure EVO 是專為專業用家而研發的鍍膜,產品提升車漆光澤度和高度疏水性。EVO 版本其濃稠的配方只需一層,施工過程比以往更容易。GYEON Q² Pure EVO 的耐久性長達3年,並且可以進行疊層以增加耐久性。GYEON Q² Pure EVO 為 GYEON Q² Pure 的升級配方,保護和耐久性大幅度提升。 GYEON introduced this technology to the car care industry for the first time in 2022. If your install style is Gyeon Q2 One EVO Lightbox 100 ml keramická ochrana Keramická ochrana laku, životnost 24 měsíců, 100 ml Na sklade 5 ks a viac 97,78 € Do košíka Další nejprodávanější produkty Q² Trim EVO erzeugt einen langanhaltenden hochwirksamen Filter gegen die Strahlung und erzielt eine beeindruckende Farbsättigung, die in einem matten oder seidenmatten Finish umgesetzt wird. Pokud chcete ochránit auto keramickým povlakem, Gyeon Q2 One EVO Light Box - her türlü boya korumanın avantajlarını birleştiren seramik bir kaplamadır. Ceramic SiO2 formülünün doğası sayesinde Q² One EVO, yüksek kaliteli doğal mumlara rakip olacak şekilde parlaklığı artıran kalın bir ürün katmanını geride bırakır. The extended wipe-off time makes it even easier Gyeon Q2 One EVO - základní keramická ochrana laku. It delivers great durability, improved by 50% compared with its previous version. A simple to use, yet brilliantly effective and durable entry-level ceramic coating. icon Share Een beoordeling schrijven. CAPACITIES: 30 ML / 50 ML / 100 ML. NO With the introduction of EVO formulas, Q² One EVO is even more simple to apply than before. Das Produkt ist deutlich günstiger als andere Keramikversiegelungen aus dem Hause Gyeon und extrem einfach in der Verarbeitung. Diese Effekte halten für länger als 36 Monate an. With just a single Gyeon - Q2 One EVO Light box. HOME; ABOUT GYEON; PRODUCTS; DETAILER; CONTACT US; Q² One EVO GYEON - Q2 One EVO Light box Q² One brengt de voordelen van alle vormen van bescherming samen. Q² One EVO brings the benefits of all forms of protection together. Product Details; Product Details . Gyeon Q2 One EVO Coating 30 ml part # GY-2449Durability: 2-year with proper maintenanceQ² One EVO brings the benefits of all forms of protection together. Gelcoat Holz Stoffe. It is specifically GLOSSY & HYDROPHOBIC With its superb beading, Q² One EVO meets all expectations of car care enthusiasts. Der Schutz gegen Ausbleichen ist eines der primären Merkmale des Gyeon Q² Trim EVO. We only bring 1 × GYEON Q² One EVO 50ml 1 × GYEON Q²M Cure Detailer 100ml 1 × GYEON Q²M Coating Applicator 1 × GYEON Bedienungsanleitung Hinweis: Alle EVO-Formulierungen können im Freien angewendet werden. The plush, double sided towel is absorbent and effectively removes all types of dust, dirt or remainings of cleaners. Todo lo que se necesita como detallador o como entusiasta para proteger el acabado de la p Q² One EVO is the perfect introduction to the world of paint coatings – with a SiO2-based formula and an extremely user-friendly application, One EVO brings high levels of candy gloss while remaining as easy to apply as na Your search for "{{ terms }}" did not yield any results. The black, foamy side collects dust efficiently. 전 세계 코팅제 No. Its EVO version changes that and allows a simple application with just one layer. Net zo gemakkelijk aan te brengen als natuurlijke wax, glanzend als een echt glazuur, duurzaam en bestendig als gewone coatings. El Cerámico que Necesitas. ENTRY-LEVEL FRIENDLY! More performance and higher Gyeon One Evo takes everything you love about the Gyeon One and improves on it! Gyeon One Evo is an One EVO is also for people who want to gather all the benefits of a traditional ceramic coating without being frightened by the 3, 4, or even 5-year durability that some of Q² ONE EVO delivers an easy single-layer installation, candy gloss, and long-term protection at a great price. Brillo candy, alta repelencia al agua, aplicación super amigable y gran protección química y solar UV. We give you the opportunity to choose what you want to learn from us during this 1²1 with our Gyeon Master. Q²M InteriorWipe EVO is the perfect choice to clean all types of trim. Beschrijving Beschrijving. “CanCoat & MOHS are going to be the two thinnest coating layers we At GYEON we have a very conservative approach to introducing new coatings. ” This may surprise some people but Gyeon One EVO is a thicker coating than Gyeon MOHS EVO. It remains as easy to apply as natural wax, remains durable and resistant as a regular coating. LA CÉRAMIQUE ACCESSIBLE POUR TOUS Le Q² One EVO réunit les avantages de toutes les formes de protection. 1 비교불가 퍼포먼스, 향상된 차세대 코팅제 EVO입니다. Achten Sie auf stabile Bedingungen, verwenden Sie sie nie in direktem Sonnenlicht und prüfen Sie die Wettervorhersage! Die Beschichtung sollte in Q² ONE EVO delivers an easy single-layer installation, candy gloss, and long-term protection at a great price. Sigue siendo tan fácil de aplicar GYEON Q² Mohs EVO 是專為專業用家而研發的鍍膜,Mohs 塗層堅韌及防汚力強,可以抵抗鳥糞、路面污垢、紫外線等。EVO 版本其濃稠的配方只需一層,施工過程比以往更容易。GYEON Q² Mohs EVO 的耐久性長達3年,並且可以進行 Modern SiO2 coating for beginners and private users Maximum performance with just 1 layer Very easy to apply Excellent beading properties (water beads) Good FREE SHIPPING WITHIN GERMANY FROM 60€* Gyeon Deutschland GmbH. By using fluorine to modify the polysilazane base chemistry, GYEON is able to Q² ONE EVO delivers an easy single-layer installation, candy gloss, and long-term protection at a great price. It is a perfect entry-level coating for someone new to applying ceramic coatings!With the introduction of EVO formulas, Q² One GYEON – Q2 ONE EVO 30ml aantal. Brillante, Efectivo y Fácil de Usar. €44,00 - €108,00) Volume * 30 ml 50 ml 100 ml. With its ergonomic shape and durable material, Q²M WheelMitt is a tool made to last and speed up the Q²M SCRUBPAD EVO EFFICIENT INTERIOR CLEANING TOOL. More With its superb beading, Q² One EVO meets all expectations of car care enthusiasts. Es tan fácil de aplicar como la cera natural y es tan duradero y resistente como un revestimiento normal. Q² One is zeer transparant en volkomen bestand tegen chemicaliën met een pH tussen 2 en 11. Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz! Q² One EVO What is it ? How to apply ? What surface can you apply Q² One EVO on? How long will it last ? How to store the product after use? What is the shelf life once opened? Can I apply multiple layers? Can it be applied on PPF/Matte Paint/Vinyl/Carbon Fiber ? Can I top it off with additional coating/wax/sealant? Q² Pure EVO stands for pure ceramic protection. Die spezielle Twist-Loop-Mikrofaser hatte bei ihrer erstmaligen Einführung im Jahre 2015 den Trocknungsprozess bei der Wäsche rasant verändert. EASY & DURABLE. It combines all the advantages of modern silicon technology with extremely user-friendly application and usage behavior: in the new formula, the product remains easy to polish within a full 5 minutes You wanna learn more about Q² One EVO?Jeff from GYEON USA will guide you through the product characteristics, applications and tips&tricks. Q² One EVO combines the benefits of all forms of protection. Eine Produktneuheit nach 2 jähriger intensiver Forschung ist das Gyeon Q² One EVO, das Sie hier erhalten. 7,00 € * Gyeon ONE EVO. En general, los recubrimientos cerámicos requieren un poco más de esfuerzo para aplicar Q² SYNCRO EVO is the most advanced multi-layer ceramic paint coating ever produced by GYEON that is available on the open market. Best Sellers. News & Facts; About Us; The legend reborn. Betaalbare coating voor de hobbyist. Mehr Leistung und höhere chemische Beständigkeit machen es zu einer großartigen Einstiegsbeschichtung für jeden Enthusiasten. Pozostaje tak samo łatwy w aplikacji, jak kiedyś, a teraz jest jeszcze łatwiejszy w docieraniu! NIE MASZ GARAŻU? NIE MA PROBLEMU! Wszystkie formuły EVO można stosować na The one you need. Gyeon Q² One EVO er en keramisk lakkforsegling fra Gyeon som er spesielt utviklet for deg som ønsker å påføre en lakkforsegling på en svært enkel måte. Coating Cerâmico Q² One EVO GYEON - Q2 View EVO. com. Today, we put Gyeon ONE through the Apex Detail Review Process!! The easiest way to protect your paintwork with a regular quartz coating. It is specifically THE ONE YOU NEED. Het totale absorptievermogen is tot 50% hoger dan voorheen. process. FÁCIL Y DURADERO Con la introducción de las Gyeon Pad for interior cleaning Effective against dirt and dust Cleans leather and plastics Long-lasting quality - securely packaged FREE SHIPPING WITHIN GERMANY FROM 60€* GYEON Q²M BaldWipe EVO 40 cm × 40 cm. TIP: The choice of towels for coating wipe off SiO2 formülünün doğası sayesinde Q² One EVO, yüksek kaliteli doğal mumlara rakip olacak şekilde parlaklığı artıran kalın bir ürün katmanını geride bırakır. VERSANDKOSTENFREI ab 60€ BESTELLUNGEN BIS 13:00 UHR Q² PURE EVO and its simple, one layer application, makes it the technologically advanced and chemical resistant alternative for natural waxes and synthetic sealants. 99 3:40 One EVO is also for people who want to gather all the benefits of a traditional ceramic coating without being frightened by the 3, 4, or even 5-year durability that some of them carry. Il est aussi Q² Mohs EVO – Our legendary Q² MOHS coating has been completely redesigned, now featuring a world-first use LEARN MORE. xxjzazbwuqjynkgzypmcskwjxsqahvqrhmqkhdwjfnlpbncwebtvfmduiomfqamukdwjvlobdyfmwva