Sc caste surname list. List of Economical Backward Class.
Sc caste surname list No. What is proper meaning and its pronounciation Sc caste list ਮੈਂ ਗਿਹਾਰਾ ਕੂੱਚਬੰਦ Currently, 1200+ Castes living in Odisha which is divided into 5 Cast Categories GEN, OBC, ST, SC & SEBC. List of Scheduled Castes in Uttarakhand; M. In this article, you know about Kerala General Caste List, Kerala OBC Caste List, Kerala OEC Caste List, Kerala SC Caste SC Caste List in Himachal Pradesh. Migrated refugees from Pakistan Hindu/Sikh/Muslim families with Chamar ancestry are also included. The Manipur government has prepared a list of various castes living in the state, known as Manipur Caste List. 01% of the total population. 6% and 8. excluding the areas Where they are listed as Scheduled Castes) Bhatti, Baretha, Rajak. ऐसे में यदि आप भी List of Caste in Punjab देखना चाहते है तो मेरे इस आर्टिकल पंजाब जाति सूचि को आपको अंत तक जरुर पढ़ना चाहिए. Fernandes Caste List in Goa, Korgaonkar Caste List in Goa, Naik Surname Caste in Goa, Konkani Caste Category in Goa, Catholic Castes in Goa, The following is a list of surnames of the Chamar caste of the India and Pakistan listed in alphabetical order. BAIRA ൈബറ 8. BAHELIA 32. Scheduled Caste List Download, Click the download button for This is a list of Scheduled Castes in India. Korama & Synonym Castes are Korava, Koravar 74. Ambashthas are believed to have originated from Brahmin father and Vaishya mother,Bengali Baidya brides and grooms hold surnames Pages in category "Scheduled Castes of Uttarakhand" The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total. Sr. Caste . List of Backward Class. दिल्ली राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) की कुल जनसंख्या लगभग 28 लाख 11 हजार 980 है, If you want to read gujarat sc caste list 2023 in Hindi then use Google translator. 25 23 List of kamma surnames and gothrams SurNames and Gothrams of kamma people . Maharashtra has 6. Bajgi; Bangali (caste) C. Updated List of Scheduled Castes (specific group of communities recognized by the Indian government as historically disadvantaged and eligible for affirmative action programs) in West Bengal as per the Constitution (Scheduled Casts) Order Act. जिन्हें General, OBC, SC और ST चार वर्ग में विभाजित किया है ऐसे में यदि आप भी Uttar Pradesh Caste List 2022 . BAURI 35. 65% है। अनुसूचित जाति की सूची बिहार About Me Hello friends, I am Sandesh Hiwale, the writer and founder of this website. SC Caste List in UP. According to Census 2011, the total population of Scheduled Castes (SC) in Tamil Nadu state is about 1 crore 44 lakh 36 thousand 620, which is 20. 36% Chaupal: 100,111 0. 5. मध्य प्रदेश राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) की कुल जनसंख्या 1 करोड़ 13 लाख 44 हजार 307 है, जो कुल आबादी का 15. 3. But among matrilineal Tulu/Malayalee speakers, there is a remarkable exception where the lineages are the same across castes. Reply. Baghi Nagalu . List of Special Backward Class. इस लेख में, आपको भारत की केंद्र सरकार द्वारा जारी Haryana Caste List 2023 (हरियाणा जाति की सूची 2023) जैसे - SC और OBC की सूची के बारे में जानकारी मिलेगी। List of Scheduled Castes notified (after addition/deletion)as per the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, as amended vide Modification Order 1956, Amendment Act, 1976 and the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act 2002 No. 77% SC Caste List in Bihar. Manne 55. Ahirwar; B. Throughout centuries, they have endured the status of second-class citizens and were often excluded from India's varna system, a social Goa Caste List PDF 2024 OBC ST & SC All Caste List in Goa; Himachal Pradesh Caste List 2024 GEN OBC SC & ST; Nagaland Caste List 2024 PDF Download – NT ST & OBC; Rajasthan Caste List 2024 PDF Download OBC, SC, ST & 1 Adi Dharmi 28 Gavaria 2 Aheri 29 Godhi 3 Badi 30 Jingar 4 Bagri, Bagdi 31 Kalbelia, Sapera 5 Bairwa, Berwa 32 Kamad, Kamadia 6 Bajgar 33 Kanjar, Kunjar Discover the UP Caste List 2025, categorizing the over 250 castes in Uttar Pradesh into General, SC, ST, and OBC. 02% Bhogta: 12,659 0. 23 21: Mina (Rawat) Deshwali , Mewati, Mina (excluding Sironj and lateri Tehsil of Vidisha District) 24 22: Kirar, Kirad, Dhakad . * As for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 2002, Act No. 29. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 lists 1,109 castes across 28 states. Dhobi (excluding Bhopal, Raisen & Sehore District i. Ambedkar, a prominent Dalit leader and reformer, played a crucial role in the Indian independence SC Caste List in MP. ARUNTHATHIYAR അരുതിയാർ 6. This list may not reflect recent changes. List of Scheduled Tribes. Caste List Of Punjab, List of General/OBC/SC Caste in Punjab SC Caste List Jharkhand. According to the departmental Notice, There are Various Caste People Living in Bihar State BC (BC-2), EBC (BC-1), ST, SC, & General. People from different castes may share the Hindu Gotra and Surnames social system. No. Subject to the provisions of this Order, the castes, races or tribes or parts of, or groups within, castes or tribes specified in 2 [PartsI to 3 [XXV]] of the Schedule to this Order shall, in relation to the States to Indian Surnames and Their Castes. List of Caste Which Comes Under OBC Category (cat-1, 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b), SC ST, EWS & General Caste Karnataka Caste List. Many Indian surnames are related to the caste system. e. Check All Odisha Caste List & Download PDF File. BAKUDA Goa Caste List PDF 2024 OBC ST & SC All Caste List in Goa; Himachal Pradesh Caste List 2024 GEN OBC SC & ST; Nagaland Caste List 2024 PDF Download – NT ST & OBC; Rajasthan Caste List 2024 PDF Download OBC, SC, ST & GEN @ SJE Rajasthan Bengali Baidya Brides and Grooms– Baidya is a caste community confined to Bengal, which has traditionally claimed Brahmin status, but has been most commonly associated with the Ambashtha caste or sub-caste. gov. Bagri, Bagd As you know the state government of Kerala has divided all castes into 6 categories, GEN, OBC OEC, SC, ST & SEBC. 23 21: Mina (Rawat) Deshwali , Mewati, Mina 1 Adi Dharmi 28 Gavaria 2 Aheri 29 Godhi 3 Badi 30 Jingar 4 Bagri, Bagdi 31 Kalbelia, Sapera 5 Bairwa, Berwa 32 Kamad, Kamadia 6 Bajgar 33 Kanjar, Kunjar Telangana Caste List. List of Scheduled Castes Instruction regarding Classification of Scheduled Castes for the purpose of benefit of reservation in Haryana State LIST OF VILLAGES HAVING MORE THAN LIST OF VILLAGES HAVING MORE THAN 40% SC POPULATION IN HARYANA (As per census 2011) Sr. 2. 39 crores, which is 16. झारखंड राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) की कुल जनसंख्या लगभग 39 लाख, 85 हजार, 644 है, जो कुल आबादी का 10% है। झारखंड में अनुसूचित जाति Goa Caste List. उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) की कुल जनसंख्या लगभग 4,13 करोड़ है, जो कुल आबादी का 20. Julaha,Julahe,Kabirpanthi, Keer. GHALOT cast in which category falls. 06% है। अनुसूचित जाति की This article has the list of Schedule Castes in Bihar. . Our fore fathers are from peshawar pakistan shited to Ranguwal dsitt. Goa Caste List PDF 2024 OBC ST & SC All Caste List in Goa; Himachal Pradesh Caste List 2024 GEN OBC SC & ST; Nagaland Caste List 2024 PDF Download – NT ST & OBC; Rajasthan Caste List 2024 PDF Download OBC, SC, ST & GEN @ SJE Rajasthan उत्तर प्रदेश में लगभग 250 जातियाँ निवास करती है. 10 of 2003; SC Caste List in Andhra Pradesh. Powar or Pawar, (Powar or Pawar surnames ), Bhoyar, Bhoir, Bhovir. Microsoft Word - List of Scheduled Castes updated Author: HP Created Date: 3/7/2024 4:40:02 PM Dhobi (excluding Bhopal, Raisen & Sehore District i. Karnataka Caste List is a list of all castes and communities or groups that have been classified by the state government as Which caste comes under SC in Gujarat? List of Scheduled Castes in Gujarat Below is a list of Scheduled Castes in Gujarat: Ager: 261 Bakad, Bunt Bawa-, vankar-Sadhu: 9,831 Bhambi, Chamar and subcastes: Mochi (only in Dang and Valsad district): 10,32,128 Chuhra, Valmiki and subcastes: 4,39,444 Chalavadi, Channayya: 109 Holeya (Chenna Dasar, Microsoft Word - List of Scheduled Castes updated Author: HP Created Date: 3/7/2024 4:40:02 PM SC Caste List in Tamil Nadu. Reservation Quota SN Caste Reservation % Details of Caste Categories Remarks 1 SC 13% SC & SC converts to Budhhism अनुसुचीत जाती 59 Castes THE THIRD SCHEDULE (See Sectin 19) Amendment of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 In the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950, - (a) In Paragraph 2, for the figures "XXII", the Figures "XXIII" shall be substituted; (b) In Schedule, after Part XXII, the following shall be inserted, namely : - PART XXIII - CHHATTISGARH 1. 216 does not include persons having their surnames as Pawar or Powar but not belonging to aforesaid caste/community) 217: Khatik, Khatik (Muslim) (other than those who are included in the list of Scheduled Castes for Maharashtra), Kasai, Kasai-Qureshi, Qureshi, Kasab, Caste certificates, including SC/ST and OBC, are issued without age restrictions in West Bengal. 7% है। एससी में कितनी जाति आती है? Goa Caste List PDF 2024 OBC ST & SC All Caste List in Goa; Himachal Pradesh Caste List 2024 GEN OBC SC & ST; Nagaland Caste List 2024 PDF Download – NT ST & OBC; Rajasthan Caste List 2024 PDF Download OBC, SC, ST & GEN @ SJE Rajasthan List of Scheduled Castes. in This page was last S-NO LIST OF SCHEDULED CASTES NOTIFIED FOR DELHI 1 Adi-Dharmi 2 Agria 3 Aheria 4 Balai 5 Banjara 6 Bawaria 7 Bazigar 8 Bhil 9 Jatav or Jatayu Mochi, Ramdasia, Ravidasi, Raidasi, Rehgarh, Raigar 10 Sweeper 11 Balmiki 12 Dhanak or Dhanuk 13 Dhobi 14 Dom 15 Gharrami 16 Giarah 17 Julaha (Weaver) 18 Kabirpanthi 19 Kachandha SC Caste List Delhi. January 16, 2021 at 10:17 pm. Haryana SC Caste List. KOCH Bihar Caste List. तो यह आर्टिकल Rajasthan OBC, SC, ST & Genral जाती सूचि Complete List of Maharashtra state Surname (Include all caste- obc caste,SC,ST ) obccastegovtschemes. 4. हिमाचल प्रदेश राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) की कुल जनसंख्या 17 लाख 29 हजार 193 है, जो कुल आबादी का 25. People in Indian society are divided into four castes according to their occupation, namely Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra. The Brahmin, whose task is to master and impart knowledge and administer sacrifices, have the highest rank. According to Census 2011, the total population of Scheduled Castes (SC) in West Bengal state is about 2 crore 14 lakh 63 thousand 270, which is 23. R. 62% है। मध्य प्रदेश में Central List of Scheduled Casts (SC) in India; Title Date View / Download; Central List of Scheduled Casts (SC) in India: Central List of Scheduled Casts (SC) in India Gujarat Caste List. Here is the General Caste List of Here is scheduled caste surname list in West Bengal that are eligible for SC Certificates. provisional list of Castes and Tribes in Maharashtra for general awareness. Goa Caste List PDF 2024 OBC ST & SC All Caste List in Goa. Goa Caste List PDF 2024 OBC ST & SC All Caste List in Goa; Himachal Pradesh Caste List 2024 GEN OBC SC & ST; Nagaland Caste List 2024 PDF Download – NT ST & OBC; Rajasthan Caste List 2024 PDF Download OBC, SC, ST & GEN @ SJE Rajasthan SC Caste List in Maharashtra. List of Economical Backward Class. Dhobi; Chamar; Jatav; Chandala; Chuhra; K. singh says. Gujarat Caste List is a list of all castes and communities or groups that have been classified by the state government as Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBC) or Economically Weaker All India SC Caste List PDF Download (State W ise) Andhra Pradesh SC Caste List SL Caste Name కలం ర 1 Adi Andhra ఆ ద డ 2 Adi Dravida అమ 3 Anamuk అ మల 4 Aray Mala అరంధయ 5 Arundhatiya ఆ ద డ 6 Arwa Mala అా మల 7 Bariki బ 8 Bavuri బవ 9 Bindla బౖండ 10 Byagara బయార 11 Byagari బయా Article: New Punjab Caste List: Reading Time: 3 – 5 Minute: Punjab GEN Caste Number: 9 ਜਾਤੀਆਂ : Punjab OBC Caste Number : 139 ਜਾਤੀਆਂ The Dalits, once referred to as "untouchables" and currently recognized as Scheduled Castes by official designation, make up around one-sixth of India's population. Kerala Caste List. छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) की कुल जनसंख्या 2 करोड़ 08 लाख 33 हजार 803 है, जो कुल आबादी का 11. With its rich diversity, India is home to many cultures and communities, and the According to the 2011 census, the population of Scheduled Castes in Maharashtra is 1,32,75,898 which is 11. The Assam government has prepared a list of various castes living in the state, known as Assam Caste List. Ager: 2. Shall be grateful for verifying and updating this list with details of Govt GRs or authentic references. 10% Bhuiya: 568,403 4. 6% of India’s total 20. Bhoyar (Note: Entry No. Balimiki, Bhangi,Chuhra,Chuhre . Some of the most common surnames among the Kunbi caste are Patil, Chavan, and Mhatre. 30. Read further sc category list. A [edit] Atwal B [edit] C [edit] D [edit] E [edit] F [edit] G [edit] H [edit] I [edit] J [edit] K [edit] L [edit] M [edit] N [edit] O Below of list of Caste communities and their population according to the 2011 Census of India in Uttar Pradesh. राजस्थान राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) की कुल जनसंख्या लगभग 1 करोड़ 27 लाख 11 हजार 146 है, Karnataka SC Scheduled Caste List SL Caste 1 Kallu Vaddar ಕ ವಡ ರ 2 Mannu Voddar ಮ 3 Adi Andhra ಆ ಆಂಧ 4 Adi Dravida ಆ ಡ 5 Adi Karnataka ಆ ಕಟಕ 6 Adiya (in Coorg Dist) ಆ ( ಯ ) 7 Ager ವಯ 8 Ajila ಅಲ 9 Anamuk ಅಣ 10 Aray Mala SC Caste List in Odisha. Find essential details and how to check your caste category in 2025. Sur_Name Gothram 1 Aane Muidunulla,Mundunulla 2 Aare Yelupnulla,Navanulla,Yenulla,Janakanulla 3 Aari Inapandla 4 Abbineni Nerella, Vallutla,Vullatla, Desatla,Neerulla यदि आप भी Rajasthan Caste List pdf डाउनलोड करना चाहते है और देखना चाहते है की राजस्थान राज्य में कौन सी जाती किस कैटेगरी में आती है. . com Also view Other Backward Classes Caste list- OBC caste in Maharashtra Avchat Borkar Chitre Dhamdhere Durgude Ekbote Athawale Bobde Chitnis Dhamale Dukhande Arondekar Bhujbal Chitale Devalekar Doke Assam Caste List. The list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is provided, along with the recognized Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in West Bengal. AYYANAVAR അനവർ 7. 5% of the total population. Audhelia 2. In India, Scheduled Castes are more commonly referred to as Dalits and Harijans. Bihar Caste List PDF 2025: बिहार में विभिन्न जातियों के लोगों को आरक्षण का लाभ उठाने के लिए बिहार सरकार द्वारा अलग-अलग श्रेणियों में विभाजित किया गया है। ऐसे में अगर आप Central list of Scheduled Tribes (ST) in India; Title Date View / Download; Central list of Scheduled Tribes (ST) in India: Central list of Scheduled Tribes (ST) in India Each of these categories has a different list of surnames associated with it. ADI ANDHARA ആദി ആ 2. Bakad, Bant: 3. 14 crore Scheduled Castes. Sl. Ad Dharmi . According to Wikipedia, there is 1100+ Caste living in India which are divided into 4 Caste Category which is SC, ST OBC & General. AJILA അജില 5. There are 59 castes or sub-castes in the SC Caste List in West Bengal, for which there is a provision of 22% reservation. 81% of the population of the state. Jogi . KEOT, KEYOT 3. C population Aheria: 10,095 State Primary Census Abstract (PCA) for Individual Scheduled Caste (SC) A- 10 (PDF) (Report). Assam Caste List is a list of all castes and communities or groups that have been classified by the state government as Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBC) or Economically Weaker इस लेख में, आपको भारत की केंद्र सरकार द्वारा जारी Chhattisgarh Caste List 2023 (छत्तीसगढ़ जाति की सूची 2023) जैसे - ST, SC और OBC की सूची के बारे में जानकारी Information on various Commission Reports on deciding Caste Status may please also be shared. Bagri, Bagd 1. [1] These Scheduled Castes are predominantly concentrated in rural areas. The Telangana government has prepared a list of various castes living in the state, known as Telangana Caste List. KHAIRA 4. Circular regarding issuance of Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/SBC) List of D. ADI KARNATAKA ആദി കർണാടക 4. ADI DRAVIDA ആദി ദാവിഡ 3. Leave a Comment Cancel reply. DSN District Name of village TO_P TO_M TO_F TOP _SC M_SC F_SC SC % 1: 1: Ambala 189. Through this website, I share information primarily about Dr. 25 dated 27. The Karnataka government has prepared a list of various castes living in the state, known as Karnataka Caste List. According to Census 2011, the total population of Scheduled Castes (SC) in Andhra Pradesh state is about 1. 2012 amended the list of Backward Classes SC Caste List in Kerala Malayalam | Kerala Scheduled Caste List SL Caste Name ജാതിയുെട േപ 1. There are 76 castes Preview PDF Central List of ST in India. According to the Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act 1976 as 108, as mentioned in Part 10 of Annexure 1, the list of sc Haryana BC Caste List, Haryana SC Caste List, NT Caste List in Haryana, All Caste List in Haryana, BC Caste in Haryana, OBC Caste List in Haryana, Kumar Is a surname of every type of name there is no any specify cate for this. B. Kotegar, Metri यहां sc व st में कौन सी जाति आती है के बारे में बताने के साथ ही हर राज्य में sc st caste list in hindi के बारे में बताया है। Manipur Caste List. Goa Caste List is a list of all castes and communities or groups that have been classified by the state government as Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBC) or Economically Weaker Sections (EWS). Hessi . The Goa government has prepared a list of various castes living in the state, known as Goa Caste List. 19% है। हिमाचल प्रदेश में Goa Caste List, Goa Caste List PDF Download, Goa OBC Caste List, ST Caste List in Goa, SC Caste List in Goa State, List of General Caste in Goa, These Topics will be covered in the future in this article. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Buddhism, but also about Education, Socio-politics, Biography, Wikipedia-Internet, Culture, History, and Entertainment, which I contribute to encyclopedia on Wikipedia and here on my personal capabilities. T. DSN District Name of village TO_P TO_M TO_F TOP _SC M_SC F_SC SC % 1: 1: Ambala SCHEDULED-CASTE-LIST. The relevant acts and court cases related to the matter are also identified. Meghalaya Caste List is a list of all castes and communities or groups that have been classified by the state government as Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC) or Economically Weaker Sections (EWS). बिहार राज्य में जाति गणना 2023 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) की कुल जनसंख्या लगभग 2. Kori (caste) L. A Central Caste Certificate in India is an official document that certifies an individual’s membership in a specific caste or community, such as Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), or Other Backward Classes (OBC), and is recognized for central government purposes. This Order may be called the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950. Kotegar, Metri There are 350+ Castes living in West Bengal State. 13% of the total population. Kerala Caste List is a list of all castes and communities or groups that have been classified by the state government as Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBC) or Economically Weaker SC Caste List in Rajasthan. BANTAR 34. There are 95 castes or Chhattisgarh SC Caste List. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are those considered the most socio-economic disadvantaged in India, and are officially defined in the Constitution of India in order to aid equality initiatives. p. 2002. Caste Population 2011 Percentage among total S. Special Notification dated 11. SC Caste List In Maharashtra PDF – List of Scheduled Castes in Maharashtra. wordpress. censusindia. हरियाणा राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) की कुल जनसंख्या लगभग 51 लाख 13 हजार 615 है, Meghalaya Caste List. List of Other Backward Classes. N. 6 करोड़ है, जो कुल आबादी का 19. Manipur Caste List is a list of all castes and communities or groups that have been classified by the state government as Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBC) or Economically Weaker Himachal Pradesh SC Caste List, Himachal Pradesh ST Caste List, Himachal Pradesh Surname List; Share this: Facebook; X; Categories All State Caste List. Kathar, Kathar-wani, Kanthhar wani, Vaishya wani, Kulwant wani, Nevi (excluding Lingayat wani or Ladwani) List Of Cast 2022 Updated – Maharashtra Caste list 2022, SC Caste List In Maharashtra PDF – List of Scheduled Castes in Maharashtra, Updated Maharashtra NCBC - The commission considers inclusions in and exclusions from the lists of communities notified as backward for the purpose of job reservations and tenders the needful advice to the Central Government. Currently, 1200+ Castes living in Odisha which is divided into 5 Cast Categories GEN, OBC, ST, SC & SEBC. 6% of the total population of India according to the 2011 census. WB Government has divided these castes into 5 Parts called General, SC, ST, OBC (A) & OBC (B) In this article, you find the Name of All Caste List which is related to West Bengal. Jena is the surname of the Kshatriya Caste so we can call Jena Belongs to General BCWD, SC 👁️ 22682. West Bengal has a diverse range of Scheduled Castes, with communities that Jharkhand Caste List: Jharkhand, a state located in the eastern part of India, has a diverse population of various ethnic and religious groups. Ludhiana punjab after 1947. Caste / Community: 1. S. The issuing authority varies by location. Bandhela In this article, I will provide the All Caste List that belongs to India. 190. Telangana Caste List is a list of all castes and communities or groups that have been The Schedule Caste (SC) List State-wise is an important resource that provides detailed information about Scheduled Caste communities across India. West Bengal SC Caste List. [1] Caste Population %age of total SC population Bantar: 101,223 0. Nagaland Caste List 2024 PDF Download – NT ST & OBC. A. Yes you can go for Kumhar Caste which i belongs to BC. BAITI 33. 41% of the total population. OBC, SBC, SC, ST, VJNT: We are giving here a. उत्तराखंड राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) Danpur ke danu surname konsi category mein aate hai genral or obc. List of Scheduled Caste in West Bengal 1. The Meghalaya government has prepared a list of various castes living in the state, known as Meghalaya Caste List. The table contents Bengali Scheduled Caste Surnames. BAGDI, DULEY 31. SCHEDULED-CASTE-LIST. The table has 22 castes designated as Schedule Caste in Bihar as of their population as per 2011 Census. Information on various Commission Reports on deciding Caste Status may please also be shared. According to Census 2011, the total population of Scheduled Castes (SC) in Odisha state is about 95 lakh 90 thousand 756, which is 17. Mazhabi Sikh; Musahar; N. This list of surnames was carefully considered before being put together, and it has been divided into several sections for your Uttarakhand SC Caste List. Read more Which castes Andhrapradesh Caste List OC(EBC) BC -A, B, C, D, SC, ST Total Sub Caste List telugu religion district india THE THIRD SCHEDULE (See Sectin 19) Amendment of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 In the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950, - (a) In Paragraph 2, for the figures "XXII", the Figures "XXIII" shall be substituted; (b) In Schedule, after Part XXII, the following shall be inserted, namely : - PART XXIII - CHHATTISGARH 1. Concerned & Knowledgeable persons may please support our cause and contact us . Bawa-Dedh, Dedh-Sadhu: 4. 31. SC List of Odisha State: The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes make up roughly 16. Kumar surname me sc me kon ci caste he. The Kerala government has prepared a list of various castes living in the state, known as Kerala Caste List. ). In this article, the names of all the castes of Jharkhand and the category in which List of Scheduled Castes Instruction regarding Classification of Scheduled Castes for the purpose of benefit of reservation in Haryana State LIST OF VILLAGES HAVING MORE THAN LIST OF VILLAGES HAVING MORE THAN 40% SC POPULATION IN HARYANA (As per census 2011) Sr. List. 78% Bauri: 2,096 0. 28. KHATIK 5. 1. The Gujarat government has prepared a list of various castes living in the state, known as Gujarat Caste List. For example, common surnames among the Brahmin caste include Deshpande, Joshi, Bhat, and Kulkarni. Dr. KAUR 2. All Maharashtra Caste List And Surnames Reservation wise | Sc St Sbc Obc Complete Reservation Information. Popular surnames among the Marathas include Gaikwad, Thakur, Pawar, and Jadhav. doc 4 54. nvunrtrr pxot tlmp yjcuqx xbve silvu uhypvjt veypm veraq ubabsp vwx zovmc iyzso qxckz wuu