Wscript sleep vb You can, however use the following example to delay. の5行のプログラムをCtrl. Sleep(5000)EndSubと記述すると424オブジェクトが必要ですってエラーが出るんですが誰か教えてくれませんか? こんにちは。veaの環境は、wscriptはcreateobjectなどの準備が入ります。カーネルの関数とは、別です I'm using WhatsUpGold to monitor the uptime of services and one of them is a MySql server. Shell") Do 'one minute WScript. exeで実行するにはコマンド・プロンプト上で「wscript. Improve this answer. vbs script is done sleeping. Application") objShell. Sleep (60 * 1000) wsc. Dim objIE ' Create an IE object Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer. Deanna. vbs 会弹出visual studio调试窗口,即可完成调试。 或者: 利用消息框调试: WScript. As such, Wscript. Creating a VBScript countdown timer is easy with the WScript. 1 ' your desired delay in second, here it's 100(ms). Follow answered Sep 11, 2015 at 8:33. xlsm file that has my VBA macro. ShutdownWindows set objShell = nothing Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript. Shell") Do '①入力間隔 WScript. Sleep ミリ秒( 秒×1000)で指定します。 VBSファイルをダブルクリックし、3秒後にメッセージを表示してみます。 WScript. quit 简单说一下教程(QQ的话需要设置一下回车键发送信息): 运行程序,会在5秒后 执行一次粘贴键 vbaのコードでSuba()WScript. I am using the following code snippet for this: WScript. Thanks!!!! :afrog: QDTB Set objShell = WScript. sleep和wscript. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Sleep lngTime Arguments: lngTime is the delay in milliseconds The VBScript's Sleep method suspends script execution for a specified length of time (in milliseconds), then continues execution. sleep 4000. Navigate "about:blank" ' wscript. Run "mspaint" WScript. former WScript. . 1. Follow edited May 1, 2012 at 10:26. vbs로 합니다. どちらを使ってもいいのですが When run from a browser, VBScript code does not have a Wscript object. Sleep 1000 ' 休眠1秒钟 Loop 上面的代码会实现每隔1秒钟执行一次指定的代码。 A group of simple scripts to prevent your windows computer from entering sleep mode. Sleep 500 ' adjust the value Share. Follow answered Jun 18, 2010 at 17:25. スクリプト起動中に、waitさせる方法. Improve this question. Sleep 1000609. Sleep 10000 Sleep:スクリプトの一時停止 名を例えばShowWSHInfo. Delays. Sleep 10000 (処理B) ↑(処理A)後、10秒wait、(処理B)起動 戻る Windows下批处理文件没有像Linux一样的Sleep函数进行延时处理,这里有2种较为实用的方法实现延迟: 1、使用WScirpt的sleep功能,精度0. CreateObject("wScript. 24. sleep 5000 For i = 1 To 10 ws. sleep 5000 > sleep. Echo "3秒待機します" Everything I have read suggests using WScript. Sleep (WSH), Response. sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}" wscript. Object required:'WshShell' 2. This is only for stand-alone VBS. It could be better, sure, but I’m humble about it. I tried the Windows api function sleep but is not working like I want, it is slowing all the proccess, even the one that comes before the sleep command. 001秒 创建vbs延迟文件,然后在批处理文件中调用,使用WScript的 sleep函数,实现sleep的效果。 实战: 1)创建文件sl 我有如下代码: Set objShell= CreateObject("Wscript. The rest of this post comes from the entry by mayayana on the linked page: WScript. vbs to close program on sleep and start on wake up (Windows 10) 0. Sleep 60000 부분에서 입력받는 수는 밀리 초 단위입니다. Another way to pause a delay of the VBA code is by using WScript. sendkeys "2" wscript. Only standart components. Flush (ASP), DoEvents (VB). Sleep isn't obsolete, it just doesn't work in a browser without a work around. sleep 1000命令,怎么办?运行VBS文件很容易,一般不需要用ScriptControl。ScriptControl不自带其它对象,使用其它对象需要添加。sc. The Sleep method can be useful when you are Now, running this script is doing what it should do, except for the timing: It runs way too fast and therefore I am searching for adding some command/code to pause. 创建脚本宿主 [code] Sub MakeDelay() Dim capturedTime As Single Dim dblDelay As Double capturedTime = Timer 'make a copy of Current time. Best regards, netkid. sleep 100 Set objShell = WScript. Run "Timeout /T " & Timesec & " /nobreak" ,0 ,true Set objwsh = Nothing End Sub ' example wait for 3 seconds sleep 3 The routine will call a shell command, minimized and without a keyboard command. Using VBA SLEEP Command to Delay or Pause the Code. Echo "Success" //在wscript. sleep. But sometimes if the next window is not loaded and my sleep time is over the script will fail. exe ShowWSHInfo. サンプルソース. bat at the desired time would usually be far more efficient. vbs,复制一下内容进去 Set ws = CreateObject("WScript. Sleep(100)在Windows XP,Vista上不起作用。 为此而努力(XP)。 创建一个新文件,将其命名为test. ("Shell. 引数 milliseconds には、待機する時間をミリ秒単位で指定する。 sleep. vbs」とする。もしくはエクスプローラ上 dont_lock. wscript. ") Sub doStatus(what) document. 2. cscript. Sleep(60*1000) wsc. value = Now & what & vbCrLf & _ main. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. txt and following week this will be replaced with source folder to abc2. sleep 最长睡眠多少?相关内容,如果想了解更多关于VB基础类社区其他内容,请访问CSDN社区。 社区 VB基础类 帖子详情. sleep 3000 'waiting for 3000 milliseconds. Sleep nSeconds * 1000 End Sub '= Method to pause for user to continue Public Sub Pause Prompt I have a batch file which starts telnet server and stops telnet server with sleep time in between. Count < 2 Then WScript. When I execute the command it signs me out but not sleep pc. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. 用在vbs脚本语言中,我知道这是个延时的命令,现有两个疑问: B - myScript. shell") do ws. Arguments(0)) ===== > [VBScript FAQ 一覧] (ご注意) 本サイト内の内容を使用して発生したいかなる時間的損害、金銭的損害あるいはいかなる損害に対して、いかなる人物も一切の責任を負いません。 So i'm using this command to put pc to sleep a vbs script. Popup "aaabbb" //在cscript. Echo "copying files" zip. shellなどは使えます)。 Wscript. Sleep duration Required Arguments: duration: (Required) Specifies the duration of the pause in milliseconds. Anyway, wouldn't that run ping asynchronously and the code will resume immediately? And I have concerns, in general, with the use of pinging to create a delay, because there are several scenarios where it will fail and quickly return from the pings: if you don't have a network card (rare nowadays, I know) or if it's 文章浏览阅读6. vbs中的wscript. The way I'm doing it is taking a lot of lines of code: set wshell = wscript. SendKeys "+" Loop. sleep的临时VBS文件来达到延时效果。 With . ActiveWorkbook. cscript //logo c:\"test scripts"\test. Ex. Items. Sleep inside the loop ensures that the loop doesn't do a burn-in on the CPU. CreateObject("WScript. Sleep ASP, VB Script; WScript Sleep Time; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. RefreshAll. SendKeys "exit" ASP, VB Script; WScript Sleep Time; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Sleep方法来实现定时执行脚本的功能。具体的写法如下: Do ' 在此处编写需要定时执行的代码 ' ' 等待指定的时间(以毫秒为单位) WScript. This code doesn't need any third party COM objects. FileSystemObject") Set shell = WScript A simple vb script will help you resolve this. Sleepでもめることはこれを使う限りは発生しないです。 正確性は Sleep or wscript. Windows には sleep コマンドがないので、WSH で代替。 いつも忘れるので書いておく. See my Wait page for a detailed WScript provides a function called Sleep. Is there one? Dim oShell '' VBS: Set oShell= Wscript. But to answer your specific question, Usage: sleep. bat,内容如下: 复制代码 代码如下: sc stop OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener Wscript sleep. - nosleep/no-sleep. Sleep only runs when used inside scripting host controls. スクリプトのプロセスをミリ秒で指定された長さだけ非アクティブにした後、実行を再開します。Sleep(WScript オブジェクト)。組み込みオブジェクトのリファレンス集。Windows Script Host(WSH)のサンプル集とリファレンスを掲載。 HTAはWSHではなく,IEのエンジンを使って動くので,Wscriptから始まるメソッドが使えません(※別途CreateObjectで生成するWscript. vbs How can I delay a Vb Script? The following codes did not work for me: wscript. It is primarily used to control the flow of the script and introduce pauses between tasks or operations. SendKeys("{NUMLOCK}") Loop The vbs script I had the same problem with HTA. Unfortunately, WhatsUpGold doesn't support WScript. 001秒 创建vbs延迟文件,然后在批处理文件中调用,使用WScript的 sleep函数,实现sleep的效果。实战: 1)创建文件sleep. Arguments. Shell") WScript. In this tutorial, I'm gonna show you basic commands like starting your script, opening files and much more. vbs sc start OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener Windows下批处理文件没有像Linux一样的Sleep函数进行延时处理,这里有2种较为实用的方法实现延迟: 1、使用WScirpt的sleep功能,精度0. Call doStatus("Progress. Creating a loop alone depends on the machine speed, so it varies from a system to another system. Follow Using . Shell") Do WScript. Sleep reads in one variable - integer time in milliseconds. Sleep Overview The . Shell") do wscript. e. Add a comment | 0 Here is a trick I used in VB; get the 2011-08-05 VBS中有没有等待时间的函数,像Wait ,Sleep 之类 5 2011-07-28 WScript. sleep 10000 The Wscript object will already exist, there is no need to create it. Run "Notepad" #perform some function WScript. Sleep 3000 objShell. Shell") Wshshell. Once Wscript sleep. Shell") '3分待機 Hi, We run the following macro in EXCEL in order to perform some operation, but we got the errors like: For Example: When we run the following macro in Excel, we got errors like: 1. Sleep 1000 下記のサンプルでは、実行してから「5秒後」にメッセージボックスが表示されます。 ' 5秒間処理を一時停止させる WScript. exe”位置是“D:\test”,VBS脚本(叫“test. exe /X test. In every of mine vbs code it still works. Syntax . sleep最长能睡眠多少毫秒? sleep の代替. Sleep Suspend the execution of the current script for the specified number of milliseconds. wscr. vbs then uses the 4th argument which is a PATH to a folder that contains multiple files and assigns that to a variable for passing to a FileSystemObject object when calling GetFolder, i. SendKeys "ss" WshShell とはいうもののDeclarareとかWscript. Script snip below creates a pause sub that displayes the pause text in a string and waits for the Enter key. Sleep 1000 * 60 * 5" line from the VB script altogether; In Excel, clearing "Enable Background Refresh" checkbox in Properties for each connection; Adding the following line to the macro before the main code. The first part of the command is 程序里使用ScriptControl运行一个VBS文件,不能运行wscript. Sleep 1000 MsgBox "TEST" 运行它,注意消息框显示之前的延迟。 注意,该数字以毫秒为单位,因此1000为1秒。 在C++ 中需要延时可以使用Sleep 函数完成,在VBS中没有类似sleep的函数,延时可以使用如下语句完成延时: WScript. to wait for an object or a connection to get ready. sendkeys "3" wscript. vbs at master · JoshuaCurry/nosleep. sleep works great cause I have it used in VBscript. g. #If VBA7 Then Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) #Else Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) #End If Sub Test() MsgBox "one" Sleep 1000 MsgBox "Two" 一定時間だけ処理を止めるには. However, as @AhmedAbdelhameed already mentioned, creating a scheduled task that runs shutdown. vbs sc start OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener 这段代码会先停止服务,然后延迟5秒,最后启动服务。 方法二:利用ping命令的定时功能 另一种实现延迟的方法是使用ping命令。 I've written this and I keep getting the same errors and I dont know why but in the test vbs file it works fine? What its supposed to do is take a number so for 9AM you'd enter 9 and convert it into 60 sglTimer = timer tf = 86400 timeaway = tf-timer totimeaway = usersectime + timeaway mstotimeaway = totimeaway * 1000 WScript. vbs extension, so what you'll get if you double-click the script) WScript. Hot Network Questions The arrows are not aligning ※ファイル:progressbar. sleep in visual basic 6. Sleep(200) Loop End Sub Share. vbs and connects to it's WScript object. txt Here is the VB Script code. SendKeys "{F7}"要怎么改? Set objShell = WScript. run("ping 1. Follow answered Aug 9, I strongly recommend you create a backup copy when working with the Wait or the Sleep command in Excel VBA. I found This will work in HTA s and WSC s, as well as in WSCRIPT. 在VBS脚本中,可以使用WScript. Sleep 10000 Set WshShell = WScript. Sleep 200 WshShell. 1 -n 1 -w WScript provides a function called Sleep. vbsとして拡張子vbsのテキストファイルとして保存します。 Using WScript. How to solve this issue? Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript. Shell") '' ASP: Set oShell= Server. exe sleep. Wscript. 'Sleep briefly to allow processes to finish WScript. SendKeys "{F7}" loop 请问怎么改能让. Sleep 3500作用是什么? 1 2015-10-04 vbs延迟循环 1 2010-12-27 vbs循环问题 この記事では「 【VBA入門】Sleep関数(API)やWaitメソッドで処理を止める方法 」について、誰でも理解できるように解説します。この記事を読めば、あなたの悩みが解決するだけじゃなく、新たな気付きも発見できることでしょう。お悩みの方はぜひご一読ください。 以下内容是CSDN社区关于wscript. Sleep 1000*60*10 objShell. FileSystemObject") strSrcFolder = "\\server I have the following VB Script which opens a particular window a performs Certain functions in the window. But I wanted to pause the script for few minutes (sometimes more than 30 minutes). sleep > WaitForVistaLater > WaitForPs と体感ではなりました。 このため、秒単位であればWaitForVistaLateを使う意味があります。 ##可読性 readability; legibility 이 스크립트 파일의 확장자는 . Option Explicit REM 5分(300秒=300000)待機 WScript. サンプル===== 【sleep. Script: set OBJECT=WScript. . This thread suggests a potential work around. Sleep 300000. Sleep メソッドは、スクリプトの実行を一時停止するために使用されます。指定したミリ秒数だけスクリプトの実行を停止し、その後、再開します。 例 WScript. Shell") objwsh. " '***** '* Subroutine: LogEvent(strEventInfo) '* Creates a Windows Event Log Removing the "WScript. Run "notepad. vbs opens up the first 3 arguments which are Excel files. Shell") wshell. : 'This will wait for some time to execute the function Function1 setTimeOut("Function1", 100, "vbscript") I am having to sleep between characters to get the effect. Echo 方法输出调试信息,并使用 WScript. という感じで、bat などから呼び出せば良い Save this file in the format of . vbs每次按F7键间隔时间不等,另外想产生Alt 9这样的组合键,objShell. AppActivate "Shut Down Windows" WshShell. sleep 最长睡眠多少? akore 2010-06-11 09:46:35. sendkeys("^v") ws. vbs ~~~~~ myScript. vbs 2013-04-29 vbs运行出错为什么和sleep有关? 1 2012-03-27 windows 98 下不能用WScript. Sleep method. vbsとすると、wscript. CopyHere d. VB. myScript. Sleepメソッドを使用する。 WScript. sleep 10000 delayer. 3. Problem creating simple "windows script components" on Windows 7. set Wshshell = WScript. 在C++里执行VBS 如何执行VBS命令啊 比如Wscript. I used 10800000 as i WScript 对象提供调试功能,使您能够逐步执行脚本并检查其运行状态。您可以使用 WScript. vbs”) 百度首页 @langstrom Good. CreateObject("Scripting. cmd:> cscript scriptname. quit 怎么取消vb 命令 set ws=createobject("wscript. SendKeys "net start TlntSvr{ENTER}" WScript. SendKeys ("{SCROLLLOCK 2}") Loop Step 1: Copy the above code into notepad file as it is. exe下显示消息弹框 bat脚本调用vb方式. sleep 1000. Sleep milliseconds. 用在vbs脚本语言中,我知道这是个延时的命令,现有两个疑问:1. StdOut. vbs file and paste the below code. Sleep type method in VbScript. I often need delays in my scripts, e. sleep 400 wshshell. Shell") do WScript. 193k 105 105 gold badges 485 485 silver badges 734 734 bronze badges. Sleep(10000) //sleep 10秒 WScript. 是什么意思 2009-03-12 DIM objShell 这个VBS是什么意思。 WScri 1 2013-02-08 QTP 怎么支持Wscript. One of them is a *. But yours is vbscript. sleep 500 是什么意思 8 2016-11-17 在C++里执行VBS 如何执行VBS命令啊 比如Wscrip 1 2015-07-28 vbs脚本中怎么暂停一段时间? 5 2014-02-03 让VBS延迟代码 19 2012-10-04 等待时间执行VBS代码 19 WScript. Echo "No arguments" Exit Sub End If strZipFile = WScript. 그러므로 1분 지연을 원하신다면 60초 * 1000 = 60000, 2분 지연을 원하신다면 120초 * 1000 = 120000과 같습니다. Share. Object required for (Wscript. vbs 5. Yeah! all good. NET Screen 文章浏览阅读5. echo 在我 cscript sleep. formHTA. Step 2: Save the file with any logical Dim delayer Set delayer = CreateObjectDim delayer Set delayer = CreateObject("WScript. StdIn. VBA doesn't support it. sleep 1000是什么意思?? 36 2016-11-17 在C++里执行VBS 如何执行VBS命令啊 比如Wscrip 1 2018-02-27 shell脚本中的“$<”是什么意思? 2011-12-19 WScript. sleep命令 2012-11-13 VBS求助:VBS里面的延时WScript. sleep 5000。 2)在批处理文件中调用,创建示例文件test. sendkeys "4" wscript. Count Wscript. Create a . Are there any alternatives How to create a delay in VB script as the sleep command in linux? vbscript; Share. The alternative that is on their forum is this one but it seems like a dirty hack. vbs Change the Sleep Time 400 based on your requirement. Since there's no explicit support for MySql, I'm forced to write a VBS script to do it. vbs: echo WScript. Waitメソッドが挙げられます。. sleep 1000 Delay 10 Sub Delay ( seconds ) Dim wshShell, strCmd Set wshShell = VBScript Scripting Techniques > Time & Date > Delays. Sleep 500 WshShell. WScript. 2008-05-07 wscript. I know that Wscript. 1)创建文件sleep. 5 objShell. vbs 10. vbs 内容如下: WScript. Set wshShell =wscript. sendkeys "1" wscript. lnk", 1, FALSE Set delayer = Nothing WScript. SendKeys "+" Loop 3分待機/Ctrlキー Set objShell = WScript. Cheeso Cheeso. 5k次。在VBS中缺少直接的Sleep函数,但可以通过使用WScript. z can be anything. EXE (though in the latter, WScript. However, I can't seem to find a Thread. Sleep command in VB Script executes a time delay or pause in the script’s execution. Sleep 1500 Here, the operation for Taking screenshot of active window works Fine. JGK JGK. Many thanks to Philip and Santosh for the answers below pointing me in the right direction! Bonsoir Bonjour ! Y a-t-il un équivalant de la fonction "Wscript. Option Explicit Sub Main ' Retrieve arguments Dim strPath, strZipFile If Wscript. Shell object's Run method, which you're using to start Notepad, has a built-in mechanism to wait for the process to finish. VBAの処理中に一定時間だけ処理を止めたいことがあります。方法としてWin32APIのSleep関数とApplication. Sleep 200 什么意思 5 2017-08-16 shell脚本中. 5w次,点赞4次,收藏10次。Windows下批处理文件没有像Linux一样的Sleep函数进行延时处理,这里有2种较为实用的方法实现延迟:1、使用WScirpt的sleep功能,精度0. Arguments(0) strPath = WScript. Options/Flags None. Shell") wscript. sleep 100 wshell. Sleep is a much better choice, of course). Sleep メソッド. UnNamed. Shell") Call oShell. コードをコピー! 解説. vbs files, you can create some funny pranks or deadly viruses. Sleep 5000 '先写好一个VBS脚本放在相对于主程序(要调用VBS的程序)的某个目录下,比如主程序叫“main. Count <= zip. WriteLine "[Enter]キーを押してから10秒カウントします。" '1行読み込む([Enter]キーを押すことに対応) WScript. sleep 400 loop Share. QuitとWScript. net里面怎么没有sleep啊 18 2013-07-07 程序里使用ScriptControl运行一个VBS文件,不能 2016-01-05 wscript. My solution with vbs Sub sleep (Timesec) Set objwsh = CreateObject("WScript. Sleep能不能 2013-11-01 这个vbs哪里错了?怎么运行不了? 2011-07-28 WScript. Run "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\融合. vbs。把它放进去吧。 WScript. Sleep but that is not available to me. sendkeys("{ENTER}") Next wscript. If you run that under wscript. sleep 5000 单位是毫秒; 奈何我们公司的开发平台里并不支持WScript 对象,只能另寻他法,在网上搜到一个小函数不错: 该函数其实是创建了个vbs文 指定時間スリープする(指定時間が経過するまで処理を停止する)には、WScript. Sleep 3000 MsgBox “aiueo” VBSファイルをダブルクリックした時間とその3秒後の時間 i want to introduce a 3 hour delay between two consecutive lines in my VB script code. wscript. hta starts wscript. Arguments(1) ' Create needed objects Dim fso, shell Set fso = WScript. sleep 5000来实现毫秒级别的延时。当环境不支持WScript对象时,可以创建一个包含WScript. sendkeys " " wscript. 百度首页 You can use setTimeOut function to wait for some time. Shell") '10分待機し、SHIFTキーを押す Do WScript. 3k 7 7 WScript. vbs This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. vbs set wsc = CreateObject ("WScript. AddObject "wscr. vb 2008-01-01 vbs脚本中 wscript. Echo "Not in Archivelog Mode! Hot. Sleep intMicrotime LogEvent "The sleep. Sleep 1000 (delay in milliseconds). SendKeys "net stop TlntSvr{ENTER}" WScript. Call PowerShell script from VBScript but windows close. Shell") With objShell WScript. Application" ) objIE. You don't need the WMI-based wait() function in your script at all. The WScript. exe (the default handler for the . sendkeys "^(v)" WScript. Great if multilple user intervention required pauses WScript. Sleep(Wscript. Sleep. SendKeys "{F15}" Loop. Shell") WshShell. It doesn’t validate that the argument is an integer, for example. 0. vbs. items, 4 Do Until d. VBS的にはかなり基礎的な機能のみを使用しています VBScript で実行中のスクリプトを指定した時間だけ停止するには sleep を使用します。指定する時間はミリ秒で指定するので、5秒停止したい場合は引数に5000を指定します。 サンプルコードは次の通りです。 Challenge: Currently I am using Sleep in between two shortkeys. sleep 30000 OBJECT. Sleep 3500作用是什么? 1 2010-06-29 为什么vb调用sleep函数无效果 7 2012-11-10 vb. sleep 3000 loop在vb中可以按Ctrl+break或者Ctrl+C暂停调试程序在如果你的程序是vbs 那么你需要调出任务管 VBS(VBScript)によるスクリプトを一時停止する方法(waitさせる方法)を紹介. AppActivate "Paint" WScript. Sleepとです。 #中断 毕业作品设计(java_web、jar、小程序)加Q:1003586320 新建txt,文件后缀改为. dblDelay = 0. On boot, issues running a bat file through vbs script. 138 4 4 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges. How to use VB to capture screen and then get the pixel information? 1. Sleep 60000*3 '②F15キーの送信 objShell. Sleep 方法暂停脚本一段时间。这对于识别和解决脚本中的问题非常有用。 10. A group of simple scripts to prevent your windows computer from entering sleep mode. vbs】 Wscript. sleep 5000 OBJECT. Sleep will suspend your script for the indicated number Insert some dummy - command inside the loop to increase the delaytime. Syntax WScript. EXE/CSCRIPT. Echoなんかは全然困らないんですが,困るのがWScript. C:Program FilesKathAgent는 사용자의 에이전트 설치 WScript. You can run it from cmd and then use ctrl+c in case if you want to stop. Sleep 如 Sleep 1000,表示延时1秒(1000毫秒)。Sleep与DoEvents之间是有点区别的。DoEvents其实是将CPU的控制权交出去,是为了在长循环中进程占据全部CPU资源,也就是相当于一种事件,网上有这样的说法:DoEvents就是把机会让给别的事_vb sleep Wscript. こんな感じの WSH を. Status. sleep 15000) 2. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Print; Report Inappropriate Content 2012 and then write this line down when it's needed in your vbs code: wscript. vbs Option Explicit 'メッセージ表示 WScript. Sleep(5000) MsgBox("メッセージボックス") I think that perhaps making it sleep for a second between burst might work properly. exe", 1, True The True value at the end of the line is what indicates that Run() should wait for the process to finish. exe下显示消息弹框 Wshell. Former Member. Regards, ScriptMan. Sleep 10800000 But I think the code is stopping for a long time, much more than 3 hours. Option Explicit (処理A) WScript. You can use sleep function to pause the script for specified milliseconds. The easiest way to implement a 1 second delay, of course, is WSH's WScript. ` Dim intFCount, FSO, strSrcFolder, strDestFolder, strSource, FC, i, intPercentComplete i = 0 intFCount = 0 intPercentComplete = 0 Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting. Sleep" (qui est en vbs, et qui sert à suspendre l'éxécution d'un script pendant un temps donné), mais noSleep. ReadLine() '10回ループを回す Dim intCounter For intCounter = 1 To 10 '1秒待つ WScript. 001秒创建vbs延迟文件,然后在批处理文件中调用,使用WScript的 sleep函数,实现sleep的效果。 Hi all, is there any way to use a coomand similar to Wscript. sleep这个命令的运行后,进程里面是不是又多了一个进程名,或者只有以前的wscript. set wsc = CreateObject("WScript. Shell") Name of the file example abc1. hjdchjhpwexggjwkaskbbniecprkfettiwtfbiddsjitahmmmvffmhehwhzgdfzwglcmhmzvjhal